Antonella Anedda (*1958, Rome, Italy) lives and works in Rome and Sardinia. She studied Art History in Rome and Venice and, after completing her studies, worked as a teacher, university lecturer (at Siena University) and journalist (“Il Manifesto”, “Linea d’ombra”, “Nuovi Argoment”i). She has published poems and essays and translated the works of poets, Ovid and St. John Perse among others. She works closely with the journals “Poesia” (published by Crocetti, Milan) and “Nuovi argomeni” (published by Mondadori, Milan). Anedda is one of the most interesting voices in contemporary Italian poetry. The modern themes she broaches (human suffering, war and the fate of the world) give her poetry extraordinary strength and intensity. At the same time, she creates a link in masterly fashion between the tragic tones that can be heard over and again in her texts and light-hearted elements, between poetry and philosophy. She says of herself that she writes to clear things up, so that life reveals itself to her.
Publications (a selection):
Residenze invernali, Crocetti, Milan 1992 + 2008.
Notti di pace occidentale, Donzelli, Rome 1999.
Il catalogo della gioia, Donzelli, 2003.
Dal balcone del corpo, Mondadori, Milan, 2007.
Antonella Anedda at ZVAB