Artists 2010 – Poetic Zone Israel

Shimon Adaf

Shimon Adaf (*1972, Sderot, Israel) lives in Tel Aviv where he works as an author, musician and editor. He was already “condemned to write poetry” as a child. Adaf published his first texts during his national service. He won the Israeli Ministry of Education’s prize for his debut work. He was the songwriter and guitarist for the rock band "Ha’atzula" (The Aristocracy). The band released its first album in 1996. The album “Soon There will be Summer”, featuring seven songs that he composed and recorded himself, was released in 2004. He has written articles on literature, films and rock music for leading journals. Adaf was also a founding member of the Ev literary club. One of the club’s aims is to find a new poetic link between traditional and modern Hebrew.
Publications (a selection):
Icarus’ Monologue. Poetry, Gvanim. Jerusalem 1997.
What Which I Thought Shadow Is the Real Body. Poetry, with CD, Keter, Jerusalem 2002.
One Mile and Two Days Before Sunset. Novel, Keter, Jerusalem 2004.
A Mere Mortal.Roman, Achuzat Bait 2006.
Aviva-No. Poetry, Ovir 2009.

Chedwa Harechawi


Chedwa Harechawi (*1941 im Kibbuz Degania, Israel) ist Malerin und Dichterin. Sie absolvierte die Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem und widmete sich neben ihrer eigenen ästhetischen Produktion der Arbeit mit psychisch kranken Kindern und Erwachsenen in künstlerischen Projekten der Stadt Jerusalem.
Die lyrische Stimme in ihrem Werk ist immer leidenschaftlich, obsessiv und unerbittlich. Anschaulich und sensibel stellt sie die Risse und Brüche der inneren Welt des Menschen dar und reflektiert das Leben, seine Fragilität wie seine Härte.
Harechawi hat vier Gedichtbände veröffentlicht. Ihre Texte wurden ins Englische, Russische und Arabische übersetzt und in Anthologien veröffentlicht. Deutsche Übersetzungen erschienen jüngst in der Zeitschrift „Neue Sirene“ Heft 24/25.
Sie gewann mehrere Literaturpreise, darunter den bekannten Prime Minister Prize und den Eshkol Award for Creativity and Poetry. Für ihren ersten Gedichtband wurde ihr der First Publication Preis verliehen.
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl):
Denn er ist König, 1974.
Ady , 1981.
Ich wollte Dir nur sagen, 1985.
Der Andere, 1993.

Rona Kenan

Rona Kenan (*1979 in Jaffa, Israel) is a singer, songwriter and guitarist. In Israel she is one of the best-known musicians of her generation. She has been making appearances as a singer and performer since she was 18; since the beginning of her career she has been setting texts by some of Israel's most famous poets (including Yona Wallach and Leah Goldberg) to music and performing them.
She has released three successful solo albums and composed music for films and television series. Her debut CD was voted Best Album of the Year, and her third, “Shirim Le Yoel / Songs for Joel”, earned her the prestigious AKUM Songwriter of the Year Award. It deals with the life of her father, Amon Kenan, an iconoclastic peace activist. Israel's radio stations have voted her Best Songwriter of the Year for her performances.
Rona is one of the first Israeli singers to live openly as a homosexual. Her deep voice, her powerful appearances and sarcastic texts contradict the conventional view of what a typical Israeli artist should be like.
CD releases (a selection):
Breathing Down to Zero, 2004.
Through Foreign Eyes, 2007.
Songs for Joel, 2009.

‎‫רונה קינן "שירים ליואל" פסטיבל ישראל 2009‬

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Amir Or

Amir Or (*1956 in Tel Aviv, Israel), poet, translator and publisher, is one of Israel's most popular writers. He studied Philosophy and Comparative Religion in Jerusalem. The philologist's interest in Greek mythology is reflected in his poems, which have appeared so far in eight collections and have been translated into more than thirty languages. “The Song of Tahira” is an epic novel in metrical prose, while his poetry collection Day takes the Jewish Book of Prayer as its starting point and interprets it in his poetry, Or experiments with all the dialects of the ancient cultural language that is Hebrew in order to show the various periods in the development of languages.
Amir Or is the initiator and organiser of the Helicon Society for the Advancement of poetry in Israel, which has given its name since 1990 to a poetry journal, a press, a festival and an Arabic-Hebrew school for poets. Amir Or is Israel's representative in the 'Poets for Peace' project promoted by the UN and has taught Creative Writing at many universities.
He has received the Prize of the Prime Minister of Israel, the Bernstein Prize and the Holon Prize for his work.
Publications (a selection):
Heart Beast, Keshev publishers, 2010.
Muzeion Hazman (The Museum of Time). Ha-kibbutz Ha-meuchad, 2007.
Shir Tahira (The Song of Tahira), Xargol, 2001.
Yom (Day,. Ha-kibbutz Ha-meuchad & Tag, 1998.
Shir (Poem), Ha-kibbutz Ha-meuchad, 1996.
Limb-Loosening Desire (Anthology of Greek erotic poetry), 1993.
To a Woman by Shuntaro Tanikawa (from the Japanese together with his wife, Akiko Takahashi), 2000.
Amir Or at ZVAB

‫אמיר אור קורא בפסטיבל "שער" 2009 של הליקון‬

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Anat Pick

Anat Pick (*1955 in Kfar Saba, Israel) is a sound poet, composer and performer. She began her career as a musician, subsequently developing sound performances based on a mix of the phonetic systems of Oriental and Western languages.
Anat Pick's texts are tightly-structured works for voices which sound out the border area between language and music. In Pick's technically virtuoso presentation, body and articulation, semantics, syntax and sound merge into a single unit.
Her first long performance, “The Forbidden Museum”, was presented in the Vienna Festwochen festival in 1997. Since then she has appeared at major poetry and music festivals in Israel, Europe and Asia.
Pick regularly collaborates with other artists, poets and musicians, and not infrequently in live free improvisations. She has created several works for ensembles, including “Musica Nova" and "Israel Contemporary Players". Her recent piece "Tongues and Levers" for voice and Futurist intoners premièred in New York in 2009.
Pick has a longstanding, abiding interest in Dada and futuristic poetry, which she researched in 2008 as a guest of the International Dada Archive at the University of Iowa. She is currently working on a CD featuring poems by Dada artist Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven.
Publications (a selection):
Dada Sound Poetry (CD). Poems by Kurt Schwitters, Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara. (produced in cooperation with the Janco Dada Museum), Ein Hod, Israel, 2008.
Double Text / Hearat Shulaym (score) Sound & Text Editors: Lea Mauas, Diego Rotman. Salamanca Group, Israel, 2002.
Cartoons for voice and large ensemble (score) music by Menachem Zur, sound text by Anat Pick (Israeli Music Center publication, 2009.
tongue Trum 2 (score) in 'The Iowa Review' Vol. 39 No. 2, The University of Iowa Press, USA, 2009.

Israeli poetry with free improv bass, part 2

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