Shimon Adaf (*1972, Sderot, Israel) lives in Tel Aviv where he works as an author, musician and editor. He was already “condemned to write poetry” as a child. Adaf published his first texts during his national service. He won the Israeli Ministry of Education’s prize for his debut work. He was the songwriter and guitarist for the rock band "Ha’atzula" (The Aristocracy). The band released its first album in 1996. The album “Soon There will be Summer”, featuring seven songs that he composed and recorded himself, was released in 2004. He has written articles on literature, films and rock music for leading journals. Adaf was also a founding member of the Ev literary club. One of the club’s aims is to find a new poetic link between traditional and modern Hebrew.
Publications (a selection):Icarus’ Monologue. Poetry, Gvanim. Jerusalem 1997.What Which I Thought Shadow Is the Real Body. Poetry, with CD, Keter, Jerusalem 2002.One Mile and Two Days Before Sunset. Novel, Keter, Jerusalem 2004.A Mere Mortal.Roman, Achuzat Bait 2006.Aviva-No. Poetry, Ovir 2009.
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