Sat. 5 June from 11 am in the various city districts
Berlin's poets reading in public places in their home districts
11am Neukölln Körnerpark, Schierkerstrasse 8. If the weather is bad, in the Galerie im Körnerpark.
Featuring Nico Bleutge, Tom Bresemann, Catherine Hales, Birgit Kreipe, Juliane Liebert, Philip Maroldt, Katharina Schultens, Brigitte Struzyk, Benedikt Wahner, Philipp Weber
2 pm Treptow-Köpenick Wagendorf Lohmühle, Lohmühlenstrasse, junction with Kiefholzstrasse. Same location if the weather is bad.
Featuring Dmitri Dragilew, Oya Erdoğan, Katrin Heinau, Odile Kennel, Milo Momm, Jinn Pogy, Björn Schäfer, Tom Schulz, Sergej Sturz, Julia Trompeter Music by: Ibrahim Baba Dango (talking drums, vocals) and Paul Schwingenschlögl (trumpet)
3 pm Marzahn-Hellersdorf Garden of the Flora Arthouse, Florastrasse 113. Same location if the weather is bad.
Featuring Susanne Bernhardt, Walter Goes, Diego Gortaire, Christiane Grosz, Blanche Kommerell, Anton Schwarzbach, Mikael Vogel Music by: Sebastian Kommerell
4 pm Spandau In front of the Gothic House, Breite Strasse 32. Inside the Gothic House if the weather is bad.
Featuring Philippe Braz, Iwona Mickiewicz, Michael Speier, Mahnaz Talebitari
4 pm Pankow Courtyard of the Sebastian Haffner Cultural and Education Centre, Am Wasserturm, Prenzlauer Allee 227–228. In the exhibition hall if the weather is bad.
Featuring Lars-Arvid Brischke, Ulrike Draesner, Eberhard Häfner, Norbert Hummelt, Norbert Lange, Tristan Marquardt, Johann Reißer, Angela Sanmann, Ron Winkler
5 pm Lichtenberg studio im hochhaus, Zingster Strasse 25. Same location if the weather is bad.
Featuring Maroula Blades, Synke Köhler, Helene Könau, Alistair Noon, Uwe Warnke, Music by: Lothar Fiedler
Free entry to all events:
With the kind support of: Kulturamt Neukölln, Kunst- und Kulturamt Lichtenberg, Kulturamt Treptow-Köpenick, Fachbereich Kultur Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Kunsthaus Flora, Kunstamt Spandau, Amt für Kultur und Bildung Pankow