Künstler 2006 – Dicht-Ma(h)l
BeatBox Eliot
BeatBox Eliot (*1972 as Markus Henning in Munich) is a keystone of Germany’s hip-hop movement and one of the most active German BeatBoxers on the international stage. He initiated the first major BeatBox Compilation with “The Mystery of BeatBox” and the first BeatBox Drum Kit with “Battery II” (Native Instruments). He has more than 16 publications and numerous features to his name. Alongside sound recordings for films, books and commercials, work on videos clips and as a live support act, in addition to more than 60 solo shows a year, BeatBox Eliot regularly organises BeatBox courses for young people. BeatBoxing is the vocal reproduction of the sounds of drums or other percussion instruments.
Lars-Arvid Brischke
Lars-Arvid Brischke veröffentlichte in zahlreichen Literaturzeitschriften, arbeitet gemeinsam mit Dichterkollegen und liest auf diversen Lesebühnen. Er war im Jahr 2000 Teilnehmer des open mike.
Ulrike Draesner
Ulrike Draesner Foto: Amsel
Richard Pietraß wrote of the poet, novelist and essayist Ulrike Draesner (born 1962, Munich) that she has her “finger on the wounds of modernity”. In 1995 her first book of poems, “gedächtnisschleifen” (memory loops) was published. In it, the author deals exactingly with personal and social histories, construing linguistically shrewd and complex networks. The publications which have appeared since, in poetry and prose, take a testing look at contemporary Germany and its historical development, and make pointed observations on advances in science.
Draesner concluded her studies in German and English Philology and Philosophy in Oxford and Munich, where she received her PhD in 1992 with a study on Eschenbach’s “Parzival”. She has received numerous awards for her works, most recently the Joachim Ringelnatz Prize for poetry. Draesner translates from English and French, including writers such as Gertrude Stein, Hilda Doolittle and Louise Glück. In March of this year her novel “Sieben Sprünge vom Rand der Welt” (Seven Jumps from the End of the Earth) will be published.
Publications (selected)
Gedächtnisschleifen. (Memory Loops) Poems, Luchterhand 1995
Sieben Sprünge vom Rand der Welt (Seven Jumps from the End of the Earth), Luchterhand 2014
Der Berliner Rap-Poet Gauner ist ständiger Gast auf Poetry-Events, Hip-Hop-Bühnen und Comedy-Veranstaltungen. Mit dem Projekt Hip Hop Mobil ist Gauner seit acht Jahren im In- und Ausland unterwegs und leitet Rap- und Poetry-Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche.
Veröffentlichungen/Diskographie (Auswahl): Tricktracks, Battleraps (2002), Chillin (2000), Millionen Rapper (1998)
Sainkho Namtchylak
Sainkho Namtchylak (born 1957 in Tuva, an autonomous republic in Southern Siberia) learnt the traditional overtone singing of the Turkic peoples from her grandmother. Aged 20 she moved to Moscow, where she made contact with the Moscow avant-garde scene and established herself as a singer while still a music student. Since the 1990s she has devoted herself to the synthesis of traditional Siberian music with Western musical styles such as jazz and pop, as well as to collaborations in the fields of music, theatre and film. In recent years she has increased her engagement with the creative possibilities of electronic music. For her album “Naked Spirit” (1998) she won the “Album Of The Year – World Music” prize.
Jutta Richter
Die mit dem Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis ausgezeichnete Autorin Jutta Richter schreibt neben Kinder- und Jugendbüchern seit Jahren Gedichte und Lieder, sowohl für Kinder als auch Erwachsene, die u. a. von dem Liedermacher Konstantin Wecker vertont wurden.
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl): Hechtsommer (2004), An einem großen stillen See (2003), Annabella Klimperauge (2002), Hinter dem Bahnhof liegt das Meer (2001), Der Tag, als ich lernte, die Spinnen zu zähmen (2000), Es lebte ein Kind auf den Bäumen (1999), Der Hund mit dem gelben Herzen (1998), Der Sommer schmeckt wie Himbeereis (1990)
Auszeichnungen (Auswahl): Katholischer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis (2005), Hermann-Hesse-Stipendium (2004), Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (2001), Kinder- und Jugenbuchpreis Luchs (2000), Hamelner Rattenfänger-Literaturpreis (2000)
Monika Rinck
Monika Rinck © Ute Rinck
Monika Rinck (born in Zweibrücken in 1969) is a poet, song lyric writer, essayist and translator and lives in Berlin. Her work uniquely combines laconic expression with opulence; it is philosophical and sensual, comic and serious at the same time. Rinck collaborates with other poets and with artists and musicians, including the composers Franz Tröger and Bo Wiget as well as poets Ann Cotten and Sabine Scho (as the Rotten Kinck Schow). Together with poet Orsolya Kalász she translates from Hungarian (e.g. the poets Márió Z. Nemes and István Kemény). Rinck has been awarded many prizes and honours for her work, most recently the Peter Huchel Prize for her collection Honigprotokolle, the Heimrad Bäcker Prize and the Kleist Prize. Monika Rinck is a member of P.E.N. Club, the poetry collective ‘Lyrikknappschaft Schöneberg’, the Academy of the Arts Berlin and the German Academy for Language and Poetry.
Publications (selection):
Risiko und Idiotie. Streitschriften. kookbooks, Berlin 2015
Hasenhass. Eine Fibel in 47 Bildern. Verlag Peter Engstler, Ostheim/Rhön 2013
Honigprotokolle. kookbooks, Berlin 2012
Helle Verwirrung/Rincks Ding- und Tierleben. Gedichte. Texte unter
Zeichnungen. kookbooks, Berlin 2009
zum fernbleiben der umarmung. Gedichte. kookbooks, Berlin 2007
Ah, das Love-Ding. Essays. kookbooks, Berlin 2006
Verzückte Distanzen. Gedichte. Zu Klampen, Springe 2004
In English:
to refrain from embracing, translated by Nicholas Grindell, Burning Deck, Providence R.I, 2007
Jan Wagner
Jan Wagner (born in 1971 in Hamburg) lives in Berlin. He is a freelance poet, literary critic and translator (of, among others, Matthew Sweeney and Simon Armitage) and was from 1995 to 2003 co-editor of the international literary journal-in-a-box Die Außenseite des Elements (The Outside of the Element). Together with Björn Kuhligk he co-edited the anthology Lyrik von Jetzt. 74 Stimmen (Poetry of the Now. 74 Voices) (DuMont Literatur- und Kunstverlag 2003) and the book Der Wald im Zimmer. Eine Harzreise (The Forest in the Room. A Journey in the Harz) (Berliner Taschenbuch Verlag 2007).
A great narrator in the small form, he combines with virtuosity the everyday with the mythical, classical poetic forms with free improvisation.
His precise language and imagery and his effortless playing with forms have brought him many prizes and awards including the 2004 Anna Seghers Prize and the 2011 Kranichstein Literature Prize. In that same year he was also awarded the Fellowship of the German Academy in Rome (Villa Massimo).
Publications (selection):
Probebohrung im Himmel. Berlin-Verlag 2001.
Guerickes Sperling. Berlin-Verlag, 2004.
Achtzehn Pasteten. Berlin-Verlag, 2007.
Australien. Berlin-Verlag, 2010.