Focus Argentina
Credo In Unam
Gaspar Berger/ Luciano Lombardi Argentina 2009/2010 14 min spOmeU poem: Sun And Flesh Arthur Rimbaud
Young Rimbe is haunted by nightmares and daydreams of a mysterious Venus, which more and more influence his daily life.
Roberto Equisoain Spain 2010 6 min poem: Lügen Silvana Franzetti
Lying means to mix up reality and fiction in a coherent way. To keep up a lie, however, one produces new lies and is likely to make mistakes.
Message To Humanity
Ernesto Livon-Grosman Argentina 2009 4:50 min poem: Mensaje A La Humanidad Roberto Cignoni
An abstract phonetic poetry performance extended by found footage.
Snow and So Many Things
Mariano Nante Argentina 2010 15 min spOmeU poem: Elogio de la sombra Jorge Luis Borges
A man watches the same movie each and every day: He longs to see the fascinating woman who appears in the background now and then.
Foliated Layers
Silvana Franzetti Argentina 2005 2:40 min spOmdtU poem: Como si se pudiera enumerar secretos / Cartas de estación, fuera del silencio de ese idioma Silvana Franzetti
The posters of a city are being unfolded, piled on top of each other and are moving into the background - they are part of a new poetic chapter.
If X
Silvana Franzetti Argentina 2006 4 min span / ger / fr poem: Si X Silvana Franzetti
Sequence, repetition and interaction of languages, graffiti and posters are origins of old and new experience of art.
Maximiliano Frydman Argentina 2009 15:32 min spOmeU poem: Chicas tranovilas y limpias Charles Bukowski, Sweethart Estatua Luciana Romano
Writing as an escape, followed by tremendous beauty.
Silvana Franzetti Argentina 2005 6 min german poem: Mujeres de la calle Silvana Franzetti
As words receive new meanings in a poem, certain graffities on walls, lamp posts, bins and shop windows explore new meanings of the title "Streetwomen".
Coming Back Home
Agustin de Torres Argentina 2007 07:35 min without dialogue poem: La Vuelta al Hogar Olegario Victor Andrade
Fabián is leaving his town looking for a new life. He takes photos to keep everything in mind. At the train station, he comes across himself, older. Time seems to have suspended. He decides to turn to his memories.