Writer and philosopher Euphrase Kezilahabi (born in Namagondo, Ukerewe, Tanzania in 1944) studierd literature in Dar Es Salaam and gained his doctorate in African Literature at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, USA. Today he teaches at the University of Botswana in Gaborone. He published his first book of verse, Kichomi, in 1974, written in free verse and dealing with topical subjects. The publication of this book shattered the foundations of what had been defined as Swahili poetry. Kezilahabi is one of the most influential revitalisers of the Seahili language, not only in poetry, but also in prose fiction. In his poems he also processes elements of the language and culture of his homeland, Ukerewe. He is especially known for his ironically critical chronicling of Tanzania’s post-colonial development, and in his more recent work he has devoted himself to a universal epistemological criticism at odds with the European-influenced reception history.
Publications (selection): Kichomi (1974), Karibu Ndani (1988), Dhifa (2008).