Arvis Viguls Foto: Indans
Sat. 2 June 8 pm
Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Studio Admission: € 8 / 5
Event suitable for English speakers
With Jean-Baptiste Cabaud France Svetlana Carstean Romania Claudia Gauci Malta Georgi Gospodinov Bulgaria Jen Hadfield Great Britain Jonáš Hájek Czech Republic Maarja Kangro Estonia Gabrielė Labanauskaitė Lithuania Filipa Leal Portugal Luigi Nacci Italy Edward O'Dwyer Ireland Josep Pedrals Spain / Catalonia Ester Naomi Perquin Netherlands Gregor Podlogar Slovenia Marko Pogačar Croatia Olga Ravn Denmark Tom Reisen Luxembourg Harry Salmenniemi Finland Katharina Schultens Germany Martin Solotruk Slovakia Sotos Stavrakis Cyprus Yannis Stiggas Greece Gwenaëlle Stubbe Belgium Christoph Szalay Austria Zoltán Tolvaj Hungary Jenny Tunedal Sweden Arvis Viguls Latvia Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało Poland. Evening hosted by Knut Elstermann journalist, Berlin
Europa is in the middle of an existential crisis. The dream of a unified continent is becoming a financial nightmare, with the visions of the founding fathers lying shattered amid neoliberal crisis management. Europe of its citizens is becoming the Europe of the bean counters. Only money matters, values are no longer important. The future of the idea of Europe is at stake.
For the poesiefestival berlin young poets from all 27 EU member states and the accession state Croatia are writing a renshi. In this chain poem they refer and relate to each other in literary terms, sounding out in their own artistic manner the highs and lows of Europe's many voices. casts a critical eye, unclouded by market and political concerns, on what makes Europe tick now. On 2 June 2012, the poets will be presenting their work in a community poetic-political reading performance. started in Greece, the epicentre of the current economic crisis but also the birthplace of European culture and democracy. Five groups of five or six poets worked in the various countires in parallel on five different renshi strands, with each strand originating from a poem by Greek poet Yannis Stiggas.
Each part of the renshi was taken up by the next poet in line, varied, commented on. To finish, the chain poem then returned to its source, andYannis Stiggas wrote a final stanza for the five strands reflecting the traces his lines had left in the writing and thinking of the other poets.
The focus throughout was constantly on what the poets took in their countries to be Europe's status quo: international politics, day-to-day problems, but also the big designs, bedded on the figures and myths of this old and ever new idea. Using the previous poet as a starting point provided many diverse transformations revealing the characteristic features and power of the image-worlds, the density of allusion and the sounds of contemporary European verse. A polylog in poems has been created, a conversation on equal terms about past, present and future, about European values, crisis and utopia - a parliament of poets has convened. The European Parliament has undertaken patronage.
This is the place gentlemen
Many fathoms beneath nothingness
our hair
enmeshed in its roots
my son my son Absalom
you will not have had a pendulum’s sway
as it is
we import time from Greenwich
because our time
has holes that are black and unfilled
you call out to love
and an echo comes back to you bloodied
it has myriad hands that were sliced off
not the hands of sculptures
they later all
turned to stone
Yannis Stiggas
(Translation: Peter Constantine)
A project as part of the poesiefestival berlin, under the patronage of the Europeanh Parliament, sponsored by the German Foreign Office, in cooperation with Literature Across Frontiers and the Education and Culture Dirctorate General of the European Commission and EUNIC Berlin and, organised by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and its international partners:
Austria: Grazer Spielstätten GmbH, Belgium: International Center of Fine Arts Bozar, Bulgaria: Literaturen vestnik, Croatia: Croatian P.E.N. Centre, Cyprus: Ideogramma Czech Republic: Café Fra, Denmark: Danish Arts Council, Estonia: Estonian Literature Centre, Finland: Nuoren Voiman Liitto / Runokuu Festival, France: La passe du vent, Greece: Greek Culture Foundation, Hungary: Petöfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Ireland: Cuisle Limerick City International Poetry Festival, Italy: Absoluteville / Absolute Poetry, Latvia: Latvian Literature Centre, Lithuania: Koperator – The International Cultural Programme Centre, Luxembourg: Centre national de littérature, Malta: Inizjamed, Niederlande: Netherlands Letterenfonds / Dutch Foundation for Literature, Poland: Instytut Książki Kraków, Portugal: Casa Fernando Pessoa, Romania: Romanian Culture Institute Berlin, Sweden: Rámus förlag, Slovakia: Ars Poetica-International Poetry Festival, Slovenia: Days of Poetry and Wine, Spain:, UK: Southbank Centre, London
With the kind support of:
British Council, Bulgarian Embassy and Bulgarian Culture Institute Berlin, Embassy of the Republic of Estonia, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus, Embassy of Spain, Royal Danish Embassy, Swedish Embassy, Berlin, Representation of the German-Speaking Community, of Wallonia and the Federation Wallonie Brussels, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Danish Arts Council, FILI Finnish Literature Exchange, Finland Institute in Germany, Greek Culture Foundation, Institut français Berlin, Institute Ramon Llull, Instituto Cervantes Berlin, Italian Culture Institute Berlin, Culture Ministry of Luxembourg, Austrian Culture Forum Berlin, Romanian Culture Institute Berlin, Slovakian Institute in Berlin, Czech Centre Berlin
Project leaders: Alexander Gumz und Juliane Otto