Premiere: Poetry films by the Karlsruhe College of Design
Fri 10.10. 6pm
Free Entry
The College of Design in Karlsruhe will be presenting the premiere of 15 poetry films that have been created during the last two semesters under Stephan Krass. This project came into being following the impulse given by an invitation from the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival. The works being presented are visual adaptations of poetic texts, in which new narrative forms are tried out using film techniques. Well-known poets such as Friederike Mayröcker, Silke Scheuermann, Matthias Göritz, Thomas Brasch, Ulrike Draesner and Leonard Cohen have been the basis for the cinematic adaption. What happens when the media of writing and image seek a common poetic language? This will be the topic of a discussion to be held after the screening with members of the seminar.