Tickets in advance € 4/2, € 5/3 on the door
With Ricardo Domeneck Brazil Aníbal Cristobo Argentina and Cristian de Nápoli Argentina
Moderation Rike Bolte Specialist in Latin American Studies, FU Berlin
Three poets from the emerging and lively Latin America poetry festival scene are visiting us here in Berlin. Ricardo Domeneck, Aníbal Cristobo and Cristian de Nápoli will be reading, reciting and performing their works. We will also be showing poetry films, including by Silvana Franzetti (Argentina) and Roxana Crisólogo (Peru) and – for the first time in Germany – giving a taste of the “Peru: Poeticas visuales de la Resistencia” video and film festival, which takes place in Lima.
In partnership with latinale / mobile latinamerican poetry festival
Kindly supported by the German Capital Cultural Fund