29/4/2013 Strangers at home – at home among strangers We often only know what home is when we have left it. Many poets and writers leave their homes behind them and become nomads, either compelled by external necessity or driven by ... more
23/4/2013 Weltklang - Nacht der Poesie The 14th poesiefestival berlin will be opening with a firework display of contemporary poetry, ranging from classic poetry through to sound poetry, video poetry and performance and ... more
17/4/2013 The big poetry market at the poesiefestival berlin The poesiefestival berlin is again this year extending an invitation to the 3rd Poetry Market, another opportunity to browse, listen and dance, in and around the Academy of Arts in ... more
8/4/2013 Nomads talking about home Their passport is the “Bahncard 100” giving half-price train fares, and their kitchen is the Bordbistro on the ICE inter-city express. Slam poets are modern urban nomads, ... more
2/4/2013 Weltklang - Night of Poetry The list of artists performing at the opening event of the poesiefestival berlin 2013 is complete. At Weltklang - Nacht der Poesie on 7th June 2013 will take part:The Maw Naing ... more
26/3/2013 Poetry in the struggle against the crisis in Hungary It was a poem that shook up Hungary: István Kemény’s ‘Farewell Letter’ written in 2011 moved the populace and the literary scene alike. The poem changed the relationship between ... more
18/3/2013 Christian Bök at the poesiefestival berlin 2013 The Canadian poet and performer Christian Bök will take part at this years poesiefestival berlin. ... more
14/3/2013 German-Finnish VERSschmuggel Finland is currently in the middle of a golden age of poetry, with an unprecedented number of readings, magazines and television shows. Poetry in Finland has never known so much ... more