Poesie und Propaganda

Paula Diehl

Paula Diehl c_privat

Paula Diehl (born in 1970 in Porto Alegre, Brazil) is a political and communications scientist and teaches political theory, history and culture at the University of Bielefeld. In 2002 she gained her doctorate from the Humboldt University in Berlin with her thesis on Power – Myth – Utopia. The Body Images of the SS Men (1933–1938). In 2013 she wrote her habilitation thesis on The Political Representative and the ‘Vacant Locus of Power’ Diehl has been a visiting professor at Sciences Po in Paris, at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Bologna and at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.

Publications (a selection):
Das Symbolische, das Imaginäre und die Demokratie. Eine Theorie politischer Repräsentation. Nomos Verlag 2015
‘Populismus und Massenmedien’. In Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 5-6/2012 (16-22)
Inszenierungen der Politik. Der Körper als Medium (ed. with Gertrud Koch). Fink 2007
Macht – Mythos – Utopie. Die Körperbilder der SS-Männer (= Politische Ideen. Vol. 17). Akademie-Verlag 2005

Eva Geulen

Eva Geulen c_privat

Eva Geulen (born in 1962 in Bergneustadt) is the Director of the Centre for Literary and Cultural Research and Professor for the History of European Culture of Science at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She studied German and Philosophy in Freiburg and Baltimore (USA) and gained her doctorate in 1989. Teaching appointments at Stanford University, the University of Rochester and New York University were followed by professorships for Modern German Literature at the University of Bonn and the University of Frankfurt. Eva Geulen is co-editor of the Journal of German Philology.


Publications (a selection):
Aus dem Leben der Form. Goethes Morphologie und die Nager. August Verlag 2016
Giorgio Agamben zur Einführung. Junius 2005
Das Ende der Kunst. Lesarten eines Gerüchts nach Hegel. Suhrkamp 2002

Ursula Krechel

Ursula Krechel c_gezett

Ursula Krechel (born in 1947 in Trier) gained her doctorate at the University of Cologne in 1971 with a thesis on the theatre critic Herbert Ihering. Since the mid-1970s she has published many volumes of poetry, novels, plays for stage and radio and essays. Krechel has been a visiting professor at Warwick University in the UK and at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig and a research fellow at Washington University, St. Louis, USA. Krechel’s most recent prizes for her work include the German Book Prize, the Orphil Prize for Poetry and, in 2015, the Gerty Spies Prize. She is a member of the Academy for Language and Poetry in Darmstadt and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz.

Publications (a selection):
Stark und leise. Pionierinnen. Essays. Jung und Jung 2015
Die da. Ausgewählte Gedichte. Jung und Jung 2013
Landgericht. Novel. Jung und Jung 2012
Jäh erhellte Dunkelheit. Poems. Jung und Jung 2010
Shanghai fern von wo. Novel. Jung und Jung 2008

Philippe-Joseph Salazar

Philippe-Joseph Salazar c_Sarah Ripart

Philippe-Joseph Salazar (born in 1955 in Casablanca, Morocco) studied Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris with his teachers including Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes and Emmanuel Levinas. His works on political reconciliation have made him internationally famous. From 1998 to 2004 he was the Programme Director for Rhetoric and Democracy at the prestigious Collège International de Philosophie ‎in Paris. Since 2004 he has been Professor for Rhetoric at the University of Cape Town. ‎In 2015 he received the prestigious Prix Bristol des Lumières for Paroles Armées, on the language of terror.

Publications (a selection):
Blabla République: Au verbe, citoyens! Paris 2017
Paroles Armées. Comprendre et Combattre la Propagande Terroriste. Paris 2015
Paroles de Leaders. Décrypter le discours des puissants. Paris 2011

Joseph Vogl

Joseph Vogl c_Stephanie Kiwitt

Joseph Vogl (born in 1957 in Eggenfelden) is Professor for Modern German Literature and Literature and Cultural Studies/Media at the Humboldt University in Berlin and Permanent Visiting Professor at Princeton University in the USA. The main focus of his research is on the poetologies of knowledge, meaning the interweaving of science and literature, and the history of danger and dangerousness in the modern age. Vogl is also the translator of key works of modern French philosophy by such writers as Gilles Deleuze and Jean-François Lyotard. In 2015 Vogl was shortlisted for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair in the Non-Fiction category for his book Der Souveränitätseffekt.

Publications (a selection):
Der Souveränitätseffekt. Diaphanes 2015
Das Gespenst des Kapitals. Diaphanes 2010
Über das Zaudern. Diaphanes 2007
Gesetz und Urteil. Beiträge zu einer Theorie des Politischen. VDG 2004