Event: June 2015

06:30 PM

16. poesiefestival berlin

Torah Bible Qur’an – The Poetics of Religion

Event-Picture: Torah Bible Qur’an – The Poetics of Religion  Leopold von Verschuer (c) Jeanne Degraa
Leopold von Verschuer (c) Jeanne Degraa


With Prof. Angelika Neuwirth (linguist, Berlin), Dr. Dietmar Molthagen (historian, Berlin), Leopold von Verschuer (actor and director, Berlin)
Moderation: Dr. Matthias Kross (philosopher, Berlin)

Jews, Christians and Moslems all believe in The One God. Even today, several billion people are marked and moved by the three monotheistic religions. In many places where the three religions come into contact they come into conflict and confrontation, throughout history just as today, but at the same time in many places they enjoy mutual recognition, beneficial coexistence and respect. Nowadays at least it is possible and probably high time to talk about the biblical and koranic revelations as poetic and aesthetic phenomena.
The slogans ‘God is great’ and ‘God with us’ are a case in point. Both are for their believers of fundamental significance as confessional statements. For millions of people they express hope and spirituality. On the other hand they are and always have been slogans in warlike confrontations. ‘God with us’ for example was the battle cry of the Order of Teutonic Knights during the Crusades and the slogan on German belt buckles in both World Wars, and is the refrain of a Syrian revolutionary song. A cry that has brought death to millions.
Can an understanding among equals be achieved at the level of aesthetics, allowing fundamental differences to come towards each other? Is the theatre perhaps the space in which aesthetics of holiness can meet and enter into a convocation of interests?

The discussion is also an introduction to the theatrical text installation which follows, featuring the holy writings of the Jews, the Christians and the Moslems, and directed by Leopold von Verschuer (starting at 8 pm)

In co-operation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Forum Berlin

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Academy of Arts

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
6/4 EUR

Tickets online

Kombiticket Tora Bibel Koran (Gespräch und Performance): 14/8 EUR

Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste: 
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Täglich 10:00–19:00