Ulrich Schlotmann

Ulrich Schlotmann

Ulrich Schlotmann c_privat

Ulrich Schlotmann (born in 1962 in Balve, Sauerland) has lived and worked in Berlin since 1982 and has been a writer since 1986. He attempts to find out whether he as a writer is at all able to say anything about the world “if he doesn’t completely ignore the fact that visible material makes up only a negligibly small percentage of the total mass in the Universe,” as he says. He is looking for a way to order the world differently, through sound and rhythm but mainly by constantly revising the text to a degree of complexity where self-organisation takes over by forming patterns.
Schlotmann’s work has earned him many prizes and fellowships; most recently he was Writer-in-Residence at the Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania (2014). During his fellowship as the Graz city writer in 2016 he wrote the work Dichtarbeit – Schreibprozesse, which he published with Ritter Verlag in collaboration with Max Aufischer. In 2015 Der Mann der in den Wald (hinein)geht was published. a monograph by Sebastian Kiefer on Ulrich Schlotmann and his 2009 book Die Freuden der Jagd. Since 2016 Schlotmann has had a working fellowship with the German Literature Fund. His artistic work also includes translations, radio works and music projects, including with Zeitblom and Jazzkantine.

Die Freuden der Jagd. Novel. Urs Engeler Editor 2009
Bluten, Wald. Book and CD. Ritter Verlag 1999
In die feuchten Wälder gehen. Ritter Verlag 1996
Entlöse. Maas Verlag 1993