Studio Europa
Juana Adcock
Juana Adcock c_privat
Juana Adcock (born in 1982 in Monterrey, Mexico) is a writer and translator of English and Spanish who has lived in Scotland since 2009. She has published widely in magazines and anthologies and her first collection of poems, Manca, appeared in 2014 from Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro. In it she explores the anatomy of violence in Mexico, often shifting between her two languages. The influential Mexican critic Sergio González Rodríguez has called Manca one of the best poetry collections of 2014. Juana Adcock has guested at festivals and workshops in Barcelona, Budapest, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Malmö, San Luis Potosí (Mexico) and Stronie Śląski (Poland).
Manca. Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro 2014
Shadi Angelina Bazeghi
Shadi Angelina Bazeghi c_Jakob Dall
Shadi Angelina Bazeghi (born in 1974 in Iran) is a poet and translator and has lived in Denmark since 1986. She studied Creative Writing at the Forfatterskolen writing school in Copenhagen and Astronomy at the University of Copenhagen. Bazeghi has translated several books of verse by the Iranian poet Forugh Farrokhzad into Danish. She is co-editor of the literary magazine KRITIKER. A collection of her own poems, written in Danish, was published in 2015 by the renowned Gyldendal Press with the title Vingeslag (Wingbeat). In it she writes in a strong, sad, cool voice about the horrors of war and how love can help to overcome trauma.
Vingeslag. Gyldendal 2015
Anja Golob
Anja Golob c_Jost Franko
Anja Golob (born1976 in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia) is a writer and translator. Sie studied Philosophy and Comparative Literature in Ljubljana and was a theatre critic for twelve years. In 2012 she co-founded the small press VigeVageKnjige, which specialises in comics and graphic novels in Slovenian translation, and is its editor-in-chief. Golob also works occasionally as a director for contemporary art and dance performances. She has published four collections of poetry. In 2016 she received the Jenko Poetry Prize in Slovenia for her current collection.
Didaskalije k dihanju. Self-published 2016
Vesa v zgibi. Mladinska knjiga 2013
V roki Litera. Maribor 2010
Daniel Jonas
Daniel Jonas (born in 1973 in Porto, Portugal) has published eight collections of poems. For Sonótono he was awarded the Portuguese PEN Prize in 2008. In 2015 he received the Prize of the Portuguese Writers’ Association for Nó. In 2008 he wrote his first stage play, Nenhures (Nowhere), for die Teatro Bruto group. Since then Jonas has collaborated with various companies and directed productions including a scenic reading of Milton’s Paradise Lost. He has translated such writers as Milton, Shakespeare, Pirandello and W.H. Auden into Portuguese and is currently working on translations of William Wordsworth and Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. His work has earned Daniel Jonas the David Mourão-Ferreira Prize of the Centro Studi Lusofoni of the Aldo Moro University in Bari.
Canícula. Língua Morta 2017
Bisonte. Assírio e Alvim 2016
Nó. Assírio e Alvim 2014
Passageiro Frequente. Língua Morta 2013
Sonótono. Cotovia 2007
Os fantasmas inquilinos. Cotovia 2005
Moça formosa. Lençóis de veludo. Cadernos do Campo Alegre 2002
O corpo está com o rei. AEFLUP 1997
Artis Ostups
Artis Ostups c_Herta Pugaa
Artis Ostups (born in 1988 in Roja, Latvia) studied Philosophy at the University of Latvia in Riga and is now doing research there in the Institute for Literature, Folklore and Art. He curates exhibitions for the Literature and Music Museum in Riga and is editor-in-chief of the online magazine Punctum. As well as poetry Ostups writes literary criticism and essays. His work is precise, sensuous and heavily involved with cultural themes. His poems have been translated into English, German, French, Russian, Lithuanian, Slovenian and Croatian and earned him the 2010 Prize of the International Writers’ and Translators’ House in Ventspils. He has published three collections of poems.
Žesti (Gestures). Rīga, Neputns, 2016
Fotogrāfija un šķēres (Photography and Scissors). Rīga, Mansards 2013
Biedrs Sniegs (Comrade Snow). Rīga, Mansards 2010