Fri. 19 June 12.30 pm – 4.30 pm
International Partners’ Meeting – Lyrikline
Academy of Arts, Hanseatenweg, Conference Room
not open to the public
Since 1999, the online portal has been collecting the original voices of poets of our time for a reading in the Internet that can be listened to at any time. There are now more than 1,000 poets on the website with more than 9,300 poems available for listening to and reading in more than 60 languages – from Bachmann to Szymborska, from Kunze to Tranströmer. More than 13, 000 translations are available to aid understanding.
That this is possible is thanks largely to an international network with partners in more than 40 countries. As part of the poesiefestival berlin these partners get together each year for a working meeting. With participants this year from Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Catalonia, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Iran, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Québec, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and representatives of the Literature Across Frontiers initiative.
With the kind assistance of the Lord Mayor of Berlin, Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs.
Project leaders: Juliane Otto, Heiko Strunk
Sat. 20 June 12.00 pm–4 pm
Meeting of festival organisers
Academy of Arts, Hanseatenweg, Conference Room
not open to the public
The poesiefestival berlin is again this year the meeting and workplace for organisers of poetry festivals all over the world. The working meeting makes it possible for them to exchange ideas and information and to discuss and agree on topics which are of particularly burning interest in their countries at the moment. Together, the participants will discuss the effective networking of their festivals and present items and formats from their programmes which can be swapped internationally. With festivals from countries including: Armenia, China, Denmark, Great Britain, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
With the kind support of ECHOO Conference Interpreting
Project leader: Ina-Marie Bargmann