Event: June 2016
05:00 PM
Poetry and Conflict - Discussion
featuring poets Carolyn Forché USA | Bejan Matur TUR | Brian Turner USA | Ghassan Zaqtan PSE
moderated by: Claudia Kramatschek DEU Literaturkritikerin
“Poetry can travel freely between cultures and languages and not be incarcerated within the walls of nationalities,” wrote Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwisch. But what options does poetry offer when nations are at war with each other? What role can it play? Do the writers and readers of poetry stand outside the conflict? These four poets from different continents want to change realities – in every concrete encounter just as in their political and literary work, through their attention to the power of language just as through their practical involvement and commitment. They have witnessed war and political conflict. They are committed fighters for the safeguarding of democracy and human rights. They will be discussing these experiences and the possibilities they see for poetry in these situations.
The event will have English-German interpreting available.
Curated by: Bejan Matur
Project leader: Heide Schürmeier
Academy of Arts
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Entrance fee:
8/5 EUR
Tickets online
Kombiticket Poetry and Conflict (Diskussion und Lesung): 12/8 EUR
Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste:
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Täglich 10:00–19:00