Event: June 2016

05:00 PM

17th poesiefestival berlin

Poetry Talk: The linguistic diversity of South Asia - “I only write of yearning in my poems”

Event-Picture: Poetry Talk: The linguistic diversity of South Asia - “I only write of yearning in my poems” Mamta Sagar (c) Roy Sinai
Mamta Sagar (c) Roy Sinai


Mamta Sagar IND | Rajendra Bhandari IND | Sajjad Sharif BGD  and Amar Sindhu PAK in conversation with Carmen Brandt GER South Asia scholar.

South Asia is rich in languages and scripts as well as oral and written literary traditions. Sindhi, Bengali, Nepali and Kannada – the languages of our four podium guests – can represent merely a selection from all this diversity. How can contemporary poetry locate itself within this vast literary heritage of the sub-continent? And how do poets deal with the diversity of languages that is constantly all around them?

The event as part of the 17th poesiefestival berlin is the start of a reading tour throughout Germany by thirty of the poets involved in the Poets Translating Poets – VERSschmuggel / reVERSible South Asia project.


The event will have English-German interpreting available.

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Academy of Arts

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
6/4 EUR

Tickets online

Kombiticket Südasien (Gespräch und Lesung): 12/8 EUR

Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste: 
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Täglich 10:00–19:00