Event: June 2016

05:00 PM

17th poesiefestival berlin

Poetry Talk: Luis Felipe Fabre - Mariachi of the Apocalypse

Event-Picture: Poetry Talk: Luis Felipe Fabre - Mariachi of the Apocalypse Luis Felipe Fabre
Luis Felipe Fabre


Luis Felipe Fabre MEX writer, in conversation with Ricardo Domeneck BRA/GER writer, about his life and work.

Luis Felipe Fabre (born in Mexico City in 1974) is a pyrotechnician of language and form, whose poetic tools include both the classical eight-syllable tetrameter and the onomatopoeia of comics and cartoons. Fabre’s work is an exercise in political zoology, with velvet tarantulas crawling through the lines of his poems and foxes with bat-wings showing their PRI-ist claws. UFOs spin around, the moon is a shattered plate and edible waitresses show their breasts.


The event will have Spanish-German interpreting available.

Project leaders: Alexander Gumz and Matthias Kniep

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Academy of Arts

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
6/4 EUR

Tickets online

Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste: 
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Täglich 10:00–19:00