Event: June 2016

08:00 PM

17th poesiefestival berlin

1 × Schubert, 2 × Müller – Winter Journey

Event-Picture: 1 × Schubert, 2 × Müller – Winter Journey Corinna Harfouch (c) Dirk Dunkelberg
Corinna Harfouch (c) Dirk Dunkelberg

Lection & Performance

Staged reading with music
with Corinna Harfouch GER actor

“We recognise great texts through the sense of déja vu,” as Heiner Müller once wrote. If by this he meant the almost uncanny feeling of familiarity that a certain form of words can create, the opposite can also be true, that realities seem to be contained in texts that the writer could not have known. The beginning of the famous Winter Journey, the song cycle composed in 1827 by Franz Schubert after poems by Wilhelm Müller, surprisingly evokes such a sense of déja vu today: “As a stranger I arrived / As a stranger I shall leave.”It is the beginning of a journey through cold landscapes of ice and snow and through emotions of solitude and having no home in the world. Heiner Müllers dictum invites us to read the cycle in a quite different way. As long ago as the 1980s Heiner Müller wrote, talking about realities such as those behind the present movements of refugees, “History ruins the centres by grinding through the marginal zones. The impoverishment of the marginal zones, the exploitation of the periphery, is the condition of our relative affluence.” This evening’s performance of 1 x Schubert, 2 x Müller, in a stage version by Kristin Schulz, will combine texts by Heiner Müller, which analyse reality in a compressed and incisive way with Franz Schubert’s settings of Wilhelm Müller’s poems, which express “emotions in contained but sharply-drawn contours” (Franz Liszt).
A staged musical performance with Corinna Harfouch. “What we cannot yet say perhaps we can already sing” (Heiner Müller).


Idea: Thomas Wohlfahrt
Concept: Kristin Schulz
Project leader: Andreas Conrad

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Academy of Arts

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
12/8 EUR

Tickets online

Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste: 
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Täglich 10:00–19:00