Event: June 2015
09:00 PM
Goldsmith Late Night – An Evening with Kenneth Goldsmith
With Kenneth Goldsmith (writer, USA)
Kenneth Goldsmith is one of the stars of conceptual literature. With verve and humour he expands the boundaries of what we are used to considering as poetry. Not only has this brought him 40,000 followers on Twitter; Goldsmith was also the first poet laureate of the MoMA in New York and has read to President and Mrs. Obama in the White House. Publishers Weekly describes his work as “one of the most comprehensive and finest collages yet known to poetry”. In a reading performance, Goldsmith will be giving insights into the great range of his projects.
The event is in English.
Sponsored by funds from the Prussian Maritime Trade Foundation. With the kind support of Poetry International, Rotterdam and Festival Internazionale di Poesia Genua. In co-operation with FIKTION and the House of the Cultures of the World
Project leader: Alexander Gumz
On 20 June 2015 at 2 pm there will be a workshop with Kenneth Goldsmith in the House of the Cultures of the World followed at 8 pm by a discussion on the subject of ‘Concentration’. For the programme see www.fiktion.cc and www.hkw.de/fiktion.
Academy of Arts
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Entrance fee:
6/4 EUR
Tickets online
Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste:
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Täglich 10:00–19:00