Games People play
19 Dots as closing credits to thinking of a word + A re-entering dot of knowledge
Gerben Kruk Niederlande 2006 5:03 min englisch Gedicht: 19 dots as closing credits to thinking of a word + A re-entering dot of knowledge Gerben Kruk
This video originated out of kind of a mental housekeeping, putting things together and see if it fits.
Afraid so
Jay Rosenblatt USA 2006 3:00 min englisch Gedicht: Afraid so Jeanne Marie Beaumont
Accompanied by the oppressive feeling that the posed questions always still include the response, an impending doom permeates the film.
Alles is nieuw/All is new
Oerd van Cuijlenborg Niederlande 2006 1:00 min niederl. Gedicht: Alles is nieuw Esther Jansma
Everything the poet sees in his surroundings, changes when experienced with a loved one.
David hatza‘ir/Young David
Avi Dabach Israel 2005 5:30 min hebräisch Gedicht: Young David Yehuda Amichay
The battle is over and in the middle of a lonely desert the warrior places his head trustfully in the lap of a shepherd.
La grasse matinée/Lazy morning
Alasdair Ogilvie Großbritannien 2006 3:27 min englisch Gedicht: La grasse matinée Jacques Prévert
A hungry beggar dreams of food he can’t afford.
Helomskie obychai/Khelom’s customs
Irina Litmanovich Russische Föderation 2005 5:00 min russOmeU Gedicht: Helomskie obychai Ovsei Driz
A mournful celebration of the fact that problems never end.
Hu Tsofe/Watching
Dan Chyutin Israel 2005 5:00 min hebrOmeU Gedicht: The Terrorist, He‘s Watching Wislawa Szymborska
An ordinary sunny afternoon in Tel Aviv is overshadowed by a possibility that too often becomes reality.
I’m thirty
Fedor Kudrjashov Russische Föderation 2006 2:14 min russisch Gedicht: I‘m thirty Maxim Amelin
A melancholic reflection on time in the course of the world and alienation by modern spirit and the anonymity of the metropolis.
Keväällä/In the Spring
Sampsa Virkajärvi Finnland 2005 5:42 min finnOmeU Gedicht: Keväällä Sampsa Virkajärvi
Working in the country unexpectedly becomes a poetic voyage of discovery in the wonderful world of nature.
Ali Asghar Rasouly Emamieh Iran 2005 11:56 min arab./engl. Gedicht: Saadi Ali Asghar Rasouly
The knight in shining armour turns out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Mannaka No le/The House In The Middle
André Werner Deutschland 2006 7:00 min japOmeU Gedicht: untitled Izuru Dequchi
“The crying swallow flies at dawn” Pure japanese poetry, entirely filmed in the deserts of Nevada.
Igor Strembitskyy Ukraine 2005 10:00 min ukr/russOmeU Gedicht: We all dream of a big, great love Stepan Shchipachov
About childhood that never returns, dreams that can’t come true and madness as a kind of happiness.
Silvana Franzetti Argentinien 2005 6:00 min deutsch Gedicht: Mujeres de la calle Silvana Franzetti
As in a poem words receive a new meaning, elements of the video poem Streetwomen experience a shift of sense.
Trailer Truths I
Erica Scourti Großbritannien 2004 2:00 min englisch Gedicht: Trailer Truths I Erica Scourti
Words and phrases taken from movie trailers are collaged together to create a darkly humorous text about war, evil and propaganda.
Vier Uhr am Morgen/Four o’clock in the morning
Jan Walentek, Eva Walentek Deutschland 2006 4:00 min deutsch Gedicht: Czwarta nad ranem Wislawa Szymborska
Depiction of the point in time when it is too late to go to bed but not yet time to get up.