Hanseatenweg 10 | S Bellevue
Exhibition: Sound of Poetry of Sound. Acoustic Literature from the Archive of S Press Tonbandverlag
25 May - 31 May | daily 10 am-9 pm
Glass Walkway
Founded in 1969, S Press Tonbandverlag is an exception in the German-speaking area with some 100 releases of tapes and cassettes as part of an acoustic literature project. Taking a huge publishing risk, the press created over 35 years an incomparable body of experimental audio poetry. Highlights from the archive held by the Academy of Arts are presented at two listening points.
Exhibition: Sound Music. Sounds. Music. Selected Works from Rumpsti Pumsti
25 May - 31 May | daily 10 am-9 pm
Glass Walkway
The exhibition presents selected works from Rumpsti Pumsti (music) – Shop for Sound Art, Artists’ Records and Music, highlighting publications and artists from the shop’s own Tochnit Aleph label.
www.tochnit-aleph.com | www.Rumpsti-Pumsti.com
Ververbüntede. Concert for voice and dictation machine with Michael Barthel
27 May | 2.30 pm
Club Room
No late admittance
Ververbüntede is a smorgasbord of poems and sound poetry pieces interrogating the functionality of alliances, here primarily in extreme situations. What desires and perspectives for the future are formed around the alliance and from the circumstances of an alliance? Is the way the title is written confusion or corréspondance? What does the beggar’s “Have a nice day, now” really mean?
The theme of the work of Michael Barthel is localisation - protection, flight, homeland and the possibilities that want to be ascribed to these terms. In the concerts, the voice circumscribes these possibilities, touches and hesitates, seeks cover and is left to its own devices. A choir in itself.
Arrièregarden. A Follow-Up on Concrete Poetry
27 May | 11 am-2 pm
Club Room
€ 8/5
“Concrete Poetry is not a cul-de-sac / There are people who claim that. That just shows that they are complete idiots” Ann Cotten
With Hannes Bajohr | Derek Beaulieu | Andreas Bülhoff | Annette Gilbert |Karl Holmqvist | Thomas Thiel | Georg Witte
Special Guest: Eugen Gomringer
Presented by Michael Lentz
Concrete Poetry has long been declared dead; but now it is undergoing an astonishing revival. Forgotten ideas are being rediscovered and its legacy is being remapped. At the same time, working with the concrete materials of poetry – language, signs, script, image and sound – is more contemporary than ever in an age of ones and zeros. In the border area between literature, art, music and machine the young generation of the avant-garde is sounding it out and continuing its development under the political and media conditions of now. What can Concrete Poetry say to us, and what critical potential does it unfold?
“Linguistic Surprises non-stop. Listening examples from the S Press Tonbandverlag”
Presented by Marc Matter
27 May | 3 pm
Glass Walkway
Marc Matter, proven connoisseur of the history of acoustic literature, presents highlights from the programme of the legendary S Press Tonbandverlag and explains their background and the historical context of this publishing project that is unique in the German-speaking countries. The presentation will include audio examples and close-ups of artistic sound experiments.
“Linguistic experiments between human and machine. Artistic potentials of electro-acoustic manipulation of language”
Workshop for trying out and doing it yourself with Marc Matter
29 May | 3 pm
Studio for Electro-Acoustic Music
€ 6/4
Under the guidance of sound artist Marc Matter participants can actively explore the artistic potential of electro-acoustic manipulation of language. Using examples from the collection of the legendary S Press Tonbandverlag the possibilities of individual “phonetic machines” are demonstrated, from the tape recorder as an instrument for poetry to stereophony and multi-channel spatial sound to sound effects and digital techniques for processing, dissecting and dissolving language. A rare opportunity to experience the resounding connection between poetry and electronic audio technology and to be part of making it happen.
The workshop is intended for interested complete beginners as well as people who have already had some experience with electronic sound processing.
A Dialogue in Sound Writing. Electro-acoustic live-performance with found linguistic material by Marc Matter and Andreas Bülhoff
31 May | 3 pm
Studio for Electro-Acoustic Music
€ 6/4
In this performance the sound and language artists Andreas Bülhoff and Marc Matter come together for the first time to have an abstract dialogue in a duo situation using found language material. Verbal sound gestures – parasemantic ancillary sounds of spoken language – are involved as well. Marc Matter starts things off with an introduction to his latest radio composition based on scraps of language from radio news and newspaper headlines. Then conceptual approaches and algorithmic processes are used to search the texts and compose new texts from the found pieces, making them audible using samplers, automatic language output, software instruments and electro-acoustic studio technology. The interplay between the two sound artists involves alternating between prepared and improvised passages exploring the transitions between written and spoken language.
The exhibition ‘Sound of Poetry of Sound’ and the electro-acoustic live performance ‘A Dialogue in Sound Writing’ and the workshop ‘Linguistic experiments between human and machine’ are made possible by the kind support of the Archive of the Academy of Arts and the Studio for electro-acoustic music.
ZEBRA-Poetry Film Club: Concrete. Digital
Presented by: Alexander Gumz, poet Berlin | Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel, Artistic Director of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster Berlin
29 May | 9.30 pm
€ 6/4
The focus of the Poetry Film Club is on visual, concrete and digital poetry. A selection of the best poetry films from the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival will be shown, films which combine word, sound and image in unique ways. The programme includes fascinating image worlds based on poems by Brigitta Falkner, Robert Lax, Mina Loy, Ottar Ormstad and Jörg Piringer.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, founded in 2002 by the Haus für Poesie, is the biggest platform for short films based on poems.
Curator: Annette Gilbert
Project leaders: Annette Gilbert | Isabel Ferrin-Aguirre | Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel | Tina Brüser (assistance) | Pablo Vollmer (assistance)