19th poesiefestival berlin: free readings at the weekend!
Tomorrow the 19th poesiefestival berlin kicks off and will be filling Berlin with poetry to search out and enjoy. This weekend 65 poets will be reading their poetry at the Poetry Market with the big programme for children and families in the Academy of Arts and in Poets’ Corner. Eight Berlin city districts will be brimming with poems on Saturday. On Sunday more than 30 publishers and journals will be presenting their lists. Readings in the Buchengarten invite visitors to enjoy poetry in the open air. Publishers, poets and critics will be discussing poetry publishing and the opportunities offered for online-supported poetry criticism.
Poets' Corner
Saturday, 26.5.2018, from 2 pm
Free admission
Poets' Corner floods the city with poems. Over the whole afternoon and with the kind support of the city districts and cultural institutions, poets living in Berlin present their work, reading in libraries, galleries, museums and cultural centres – wherever there is a space for poetry to meet its audience.
2-4 pm Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in Villa Oppenheim | Schlossstrasse 55 | U Sophie-Charlotte-Platz
With Brygida Helbig | Kerstin Hensel | Anna Hetzer | Marius Hulpe | Iwona Mickiewicz | Kathrin Schmidt | Presenter: Karolina Golimowska
2-4 pm Spandau
Outside the Gothic House | Breite Strasse 32 | U Altstadt Spandau | inside if it rains
With Roberto Equisoain | Mara Genschel | GoitseoneMontsho | Johann Reißer | Rike Scheffler | Charlotte Warsen | Presenter: Irina Bondas
3-5 pm Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Pablo Neruda Library | Frankfurter Allee 14a | U Frankfurter Tor
With Ramy Al-Asheq | Ines Berwing | Dieter M. Gräf | Titus Meyer | Sabine Scho |
Presenter: Moritz Müller-Schwefe
5-7 pm Pankow
Radikal light | Basement of Restaurant Chaostheorie | Schliemannstrasse 15 | S Prenzlauer Allee
With Mátyás Dunajcsik | OrsolyaKalász | Mónika Koncz | Márió Z. Nemes | Kinga Tóth | Anna Zilahi | Presenter: Peter Holland
4-6 pm Treptow-Köpenick
NOVILLA | Hasselwerderstrasse 22 | S Berlin-Schöneweide
With Zehra Çırak | Ricardo Domeneck | Jane Flett | Bert Papenfuß | Tabea Xenia Magyar | Achim Wagner | Presenter: Vera Kurlenina
5-7 pm Mitte
Zeitschrift Vagant | Gerichtsstrasse 23 | 3rd Courtyard 1st Stairs, 3rd Floor, outside in the courtyard if the weather is fine | S+U Wedding
With Lena Mareen Bruns | Alex Alvina Chamberland | Malte Persson | Annelie Axén
Presenter: Audun Lindholm
6-8 pm Tempelhof-Schöneberg
Schöneberg Museum | Hauptstrasse 40/42 | S Schöneberg
With Michael Speier | Dana Ranga | Ulrike Almut Sandig | Ulf Stolterfoht
Presenter: Saskia Warzecha
6-8 pm Neukölln
ORi. Forum künstliche Bildmedien e.V. | Friedelstrasse 8 |U Hermannplatz
With Federico Federici | Nadja Grasselli | Hao Guang Tse | Denise Pereira
Presenter: Anna Giannessi
7-8.30 Mitte
Instituto Cervantes | Rosenstrasse 18 | S Hackescher Markt
With Martha Gantier Balderrama | Valentina Ramona de Jésus | Björn Kuhligk | Enrique Winter
Presenter: Claudia Sierich
Poetry Market
Sunday, 27.5.2018, from 2-7.30 pm
Free admission for all events
On Sunday the Academy of Arts will turn into a poetic hidden object picture. In the Studio Foyer more than 30 publishers and magazines will be presenting what they have to offer, while poets read in the Beech Garden, discussions go on in the Club Room about poetry criticism and poetry, and younger visitors make cartoon films and conceal postcard poems.
Book market of the publishers, magazines and booksellers
With außer.dem | backbonebooks | Broken Dimanche Press | BRUETERICH PRESS | Bücherbunker Berlin | Distillery Press | Edit | edition AZUR | Edition Rugerup | Verlag Peter Engstler | Elif Verlag | Größenwahn Verlag | Gutleut Verlag | hochroth Verlag | JENNY | Jung und Jung | Klever Verlag | KOOKbooks | Märkischer Verlag Wilhelmshorst | mosaik | parasitenpresse | PARK | poetenladen Verlag | propeller books berlin | randnummer literaturhefte | Reinecke & Voß | roughbooks | Verlag Hans Schiler | Schöffling & Co. | [SIC] Literaturverlag | Sinn und Form | Sommergras | St. Georges English Bookshop | Textem Verlag | Ugly Duckling Presse | vauvau-verlag | Verlagshaus Berlin | Vexer Verlag | Wallstein Verlag | Verlag Das Wunderhorn | zero sharp
Readings in the Buchengarten
2.30-7.30 pm
With Moisés Alves | Nico Bleutge| Nora Bossong| Peter Engstler | Eva Förster | Dieter M. Gräf | Catherine Hales | Odile Kennel | Sonnet Mondal | Brigitte Oleschinski | Judith Nika Pfeifer | Sergio Raimondi | Ulrike Almut Sandig | Katharina Schultens | Johanna Schwedes| Mikael Vogel | Sibylla Vričić Hausmann | Ernest Wichner | Matvei Yankelevich
Presenters: Aurélie Maurin FRA/DEU translator, editor | Alexander Filyuta RUS/DEU translator
Poetry criticism between hermeneutics and politicisation. A discussion
Clubraum, 3 pm
With Alexandru Bulucz, Faust-Kultur/Otium | Beate Tröger, freelance critic | Monika Vasik, fixpoetry.com/Die Presse-Spectrum/Podium
Moderated by Hendrik Jackson, lyrikkritik.de
Publishing poetry: ways, forms, possibilities. A conversation
Clubraum, 4 pm
With Matvei Yankelevich, Ugly Duckling Presse | Per Bergström, Rámus Förlag | Ulf Stolterfoht, BRUETERICH PRESS | Moderated by Amanda DeMarco
19th poesiefestival berlin: Values Verse Art
24 to 31 May 2018
Academy of Arts, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Festival program and advance tickets at: www.haus-fuer-poesie.org
Press Accreditation at: presse@haus-fuer-poesie.org
Please state your name, medium and contact address.
Press photos for download: www.haus-fuer-poesie.org/de/presse
For enquiries and information:
Haus für Poesie
Mira Lina Simon
Press & Publicity
Tel: 030. 48 52 45 24
E-Mail: presse@haus-fuer-poesie.org
The 19th poesiefestival berlin is a project by the Haus für Poesie in co-operation with the Academy of Arts and acknowledges the kind support of the Capital Cultural Fund and Maritim proArte Hotel Berlin, and is presented by kulturradio rbb, tip Berlin, taz, BÜCHERmagazin and Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
Poets' Corner: Poetry in Berlin city districts is made possible with the kind support of the District Office of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Culture Department, the Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in the Villa Oppenheim, the District Office of Treptow-Köpenick, Culture and Museums Department, movingpoets Berlin gGmbH / NOVILLA. International Center for Art, Creativity and Movement, the Art Office of Spandau of Berlin, Gothic House. Urban History Museum Spandau, the District Office of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, the Pablo Neruda District Central Library, the Instituto Cervantes Berlin, the ORi. Forum künstliche Bildmedien e.V., the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino, the Camões Institut Berlin, the Embassy of Portugal in Berlin, the District Office of Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Office for Further Education and Culture, Art, Culture and Museums Department, the Tempelhof-Schöneberg Museums, the Balassi Institut, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, the Publishing Hungary Program, Radikallight as Production of the Down by Berlin UG, Vagant. Tidsskrift for Litteratur, Kunst, Film, Ideerog Samtidsdebatt and the Swedish Embassy Berlin.
The Poetry Market is made possible with the kind support of the Swedish Embassy Berlin and ECHOO Konferenzdolmetschen.