Simone Kornappel

Simone Kornappel c_Annette Lux

Simone Kornappel lives in Berlin and is a co-editor of the magazine randnummer literaturhefte. Her poems have been published in magazines and anthologies including Flarf Berlin. 95 Netzgedichte (Edition Paechterhaus 2012), Freie Radikale: 13 Dichter vor ihrem ersten Buch (Luxbooks 2010) and most recently all dies hier, Majestät, ist deins – Lyrik im Anthropozän (kookbooks 2016). Together with Sylvia Geist, Daniela Seel, Christian Lux, Andreas Bülhoff and Jan Skudlarek she has translated poems by Peter Gizzi into German. In 2012 she received the Wiesbaden Orphil Poetry Prize and a working grant from the Berlin Senate.