Selma Wels

Selma Wels Foto: Barbara Dietl

Selma Wels (born 1979, Pforzheim) founded the “binooki” press together with her sister Inci Bürhaniye in 2011, with the aim of giving a German voice to young Turkish authors and of creating a space in Germany for selected modern Turkish classics.

During the Gezi Park protests in the Summer of 2013, the “binooki” team voluntarily translated the flood of information and made them publicly available. In addition to this, Selma Wels took part in demonstrations in Berlin and organized informative events with Turkish authors, who despite reprisals and the threat of charges, were active in the Gezi Park movement.

In May 2014 a literary anthology in word, image and caricature on the Summer of 2013 will be published. It documents how the movement advanced against political abuses, through civil courage and creativity.

For her activities as a publisher she received the 2013 Buchmarkt Award for “Newcomer of the Year” at the Leipzig Book Fair, as well as the Kurt Wolff Award.