Sara Ventroni

Sara Ventroni (*1974, Rome, Italy) has taken part in many major national and international literary festivals. She won the first Italian poetry slam in 2001. She was a finalist for the Premio Antonio Delfini prize for her poetry collection "Nel Gasometro", which has been translated into numerous languages. Her texts are included in many anthologies (e.g. in “Europe speaks”, “Slam, antologia europea”, “Almanacco dello specchio”, “Bead on the tongue” and “Unique forms of continuity in space”). Her play "Salome (No Reply)" was published in 2005. She works for the "L’unità" newspaper. Literary critics in her homeland describe her as the most independent Italian artist of recent years.
Publications (a selection):
Clarissa e altre poesia, Nuovi Materiali, 1998.
Diario di viaggio-Acquatica, Il ponte Vecchio, 2000.
Salome, No Reply, Milan 2005.
Nel Gasometro, Le Lettere, Florence 2006.

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