Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula

Alaaedin Abdul Moula c_privat

Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula (born in 1965 in Homs, Syria) is a poet and critic. In his texts about politics, religion and the dignity of the human body he speaks out against his country’s taboos. He published his first critical verse and prose texts in the early 1980s. He worked for 18 years in the Archaeological Museum in his home city. From 2011 to 2015 he lived in Mexico at the invitation of a Mexican foundation in co-operation with the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN), subsequently coming to Hanover for two years at the invitation of the Hannah Arendt Foundation in co-operation with ICORN.

Over the past three decades he has published thirteen volumes of verse, six volumes of literary criticism and an anthology of Syrian verse. Three volumes of verse and an anthology of Syrian verse have been published in Spanish translation. In its form and content his verse is extremely varied, in keeping with his view that poetry should not be restricted to one single form and one style. The range varies from long, philosophical poems to short, simply constructed lyrical texts.