Mark Barden

Mark Barden (born 1980 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA) has lived and worked as a composer in Europe since 2004. He moved to Europe after completing his bachelor’s degree in composition, studying with Lewis Nielson and Randolph Coleman, and piano, studying with Monique Duphil, and took a masters’ degree at the Freiburg Music Academy. He has also taken additional private lessons and participated in master classes with Brian Ferneyhough, Helmut Lachenmann, Mark Andre and others.
His current projects include commissions for the Donaueschingen Days of Music, the Witten Days for New Chamber Music, the Darmstadt Summer Courses, the Berlin Senate and the ensemble recherche and the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra.
He has been awarded a Scholarship Prize for the Darmstadt Summer Courses, and three-year PhD Studentship at Goldsmiths College in London and is a 2010-2011 Fellow of the Academy of the Arts in Berlin. He currently lives in Freiburg and London.
His compositions belong primarily to the area of traditional concert music and performance installations. They frequently incorporate a structural flexibility that allows them to react to the acoustic, architectural and atmospheric conditions prevailing in the places in which they are performed.
For the e.poesie concert evening, Barden is creating with the architecture of the Academy of the Arts a common context for the composition and the poems of Zakaria Mohammed. The two levels can be perceived as two units side-by-side and yet in poetic contact.
Works (selection):
Anatomy (2010)
gauze I & II (2009–2010)
Unterdruck (2008)
kairos incised (2007)