Joseph Vogl

Joseph Vogl c_Stephanie Kiwitt

Joseph Vogl (born in 1957 in Eggenfelden) is Professor for Modern German Literature and Literature and Cultural Studies/Media at the Humboldt University in Berlin and Permanent Visiting Professor at Princeton University in the USA. The main focus of his research is on the poetologies of knowledge, meaning the interweaving of science and literature, and the history of danger and dangerousness in the modern age. Vogl is also the translator of key works of modern French philosophy by such writers as Gilles Deleuze and Jean-François Lyotard. In 2015 Vogl was shortlisted for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair in the Non-Fiction category for his book Der Souveränitätseffekt.

Publications (a selection):
Der Souveränitätseffekt. Diaphanes 2015
Das Gespenst des Kapitals. Diaphanes 2010
Über das Zaudern. Diaphanes 2007
Gesetz und Urteil. Beiträge zu einer Theorie des Politischen. VDG 2004