Georg Witte

Georg Witte © privat

Georg Witte (b. 1952 in Arnsberg) is Professor for General and Comparative Literature and Slavic Literatures at the Freie Universität Berlin.
He studied German and Slavic Studies in Munich, Cologne and Bochum. In 1984 and 1985 he was a research fellow at Moscow State University. He gained his doctorate in 1987 at the University of Bochum, where he was working as a research fellow. This was followed in 1992 by his ‘Habilitation’ qualification as a professor. He was then appointed in 1994 as Professor for East Slavic Literatures at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. In 2004 he was appointed to a chair at the Freie Universität. Since 2013 Georg Witte has been Managing Director of the Peter Szondi Institute.
His main areas of research include 20th Century Russian culture, the writing picturality of language, Eastern European avant-gardes, samisdat poetry (the dissemination through unofficial channels of alternative poetry not conforming to the system) and Moscow Conceptualism. Recently he has been working on the aesthetics of the material.

Publications (selection):
Appell – Spiel – Ritual. Textpraktiken in der russischen Literatur der sechziger bis achtziger Jahre, Wiesbaden 1989
Musen der Macht. Medien in der russischen Kultur der 1920er und 1930er Jahre, ed., Munich 2003
Kinetographien, co-ed., Bielefeld 2004
Die Sichtbarkeit der Schrift, ed., Munich 2006
Form und Wirkung. Phänomenologische und empirische Kunstwissenschaft in der Sowjetunion der 1920er Jahre, ed., Munich 2013