Florian Neuner

Florian Neuner Foto Jörg Gruneberg

The journalist and writer Florian Neuner (born 1972, Wels, Austria) has been living and working in Berlin since 1995. In his book “Ruhrtext. Eine Revierlektüre” (Ruhrtext. Reading of a District), he takes on the post-industrial, urban landscape of the Ruhr District. As such, “his gaze…  is honed on the spatial conceptions of the situations, to which it continually returns” (Adrian Kasnitz). In 2013 he was involved in the project “Psychogeographie Ruhr”, in the exhibition “EMSCHERKUNST.2013”.

His work has been recognised with a number of scholarships, including the Alfred Döblin Award (2010) and from the Egon Schiele Art Centrum in Cesky Krumlov (2012). Florian Neuner is editor of “Idiome. Hefte für Neue Prosa”, and coeditor of Heinz-Klaus Metzger’s writings on John Cage: “Die freigelassene Musik” (Music Set Free).

Publications (selection)

Ruhrtext. Eine Revierlektüre (Ruhrtext. Reading of a District), Klever Verlag 2010
Satzteillager (Sentence Parts Depot), Klever Verlag 2011
Moor (oder Moos) (Moor [or Moss]), Verlag Peter Engstler 2013