Dagmara Kraus

Dagmara Kraus © Marcin Wezowski

In her poems, Dagmara Kraus (b. 1981 in Wrocław, Poland) creates linguistic universes which in their multi-lingualism resist direct understanding. In strict metre she feels for a way to narrate without staying too long in any one language, since after all people, like poems, communicate in many languages.

Since studying Comparative Literature, Art History and Literary Writing in Leipzig, Berlin and Paris, she has lived as a poet and a translator from Polish in Strasbourg and Berlin. She has received various awards for her poetry, including the Erlangen Literature Prize for Poetry as Translation in 2017, the 2018 Kassel Promotion Prize for Comic Literature and the 2018 Basel Poetry Prize.



kummerang, kookbooks 2012

kleine grammaturgie, roughbooks 2013

revolvers für flubis, SuKuLTuR 2013

das vogelmot schlich mit geknickter schnute, kookbooks 2015

wehbuch (undichte prosage), roughbooks 2016

alle nase diederdase, kookbooks 2017

Appropriation Aby Ohrkranf's HUNCH POEM, roughbooks 2018


Prosanova Audience Award 2008

Förderpreis für Literatur of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Westfälischen Kulturarbeit (GWK) 2010

Förderpreis of the Heimrad-Bäcker-Preis 2016

Erlanger Literaturpreis für Poesie als Übersetzung 2017

Förderpreis Komische Literatur of the Kasseler Literaturpreis für grotesken Humor 2018

Basler Lyrikpreis 2018