Carsten Gericke

Carsten Gerick (born 1971, Hamburg) is a lawyer, working since 2004 in criminal defence in the areas of immigration rights, violations of the right of residence, police law and right of assembly.

In 2007 he was a co-organiser of the Legal Team for the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, and took on the legal representation of the protest coalition along with Ulrike Donat in the Federal Constitutional Court. He provided legal representation in numerous legal proceedings against activists from social movements, and since 2013 has been an adviser to the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Berlin.


Publications (selected)

Von Brockdorff nach Heiligendamm. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die Versammlungsverbote und –beschränkungen beim G8-Gipfel 2007 (From Brockdorff to Heiligendamm. The Federal Constitutional Court and the Prohibition and Limitation of Assembly at the G8 Summit 2007), in: RAV/Legal Team (Ed.): Feindbild Demonstrant. Polizeigewalt, Militäreinsatz, Medienmanipulation (Bogeyman Demonstrator. Police Violence, Military Deployment, Media Manipulation) 2007

Im Niemandsland zwischen Repression und Prävention. Polizeiliche Videoüberwachung in Hamburg (In the No man’s Land between repression and prevention” video surveillance in Hamburg), in: Müller-Heidelberg et al.(Eds.), Grundrechte-Report (Report on Basic Liberties) 2010