Event: November 2022

07:30 PM

Word Pictures - Safiye Can, Martina Hefter, Ostap Slyvynski, Iryna Tsilyk

Event-Picture: Word Pictures - Safiye Can, Martina Hefter, Ostap Slyvynski, Iryna Tsilyk

Lection & Talk

Word Pictures - Five ZEBRA Readings

The events will be held in German and Ukrainian, with simultaneous interpretation. All Ukrainian poems will be available in German translation.

READING AND CONVERSATION WITH THE POETS Safiye Can (Germany), Martina Hefter (Germany), Ostap Slyvynskyi  (Ukraine) und Iryna Tsilyk (Ukraine)

Hosted by: Daniela Seel


What would a poetry festival be without live poetry readings and the people who write the poems? We invited poets from Ukraine and from German-speaking countries to meet each other. Many of them have already become part of poetry films, with their films either running in the current program or a recent feature at the ZEBRA festival. This year, we will also introduce authors and their poems – presenting them to the film world for adaptation.

The festival will focus on poetry films and poetry from Ukraine. In bilingual readings, we will present ten current Ukrainian authors, who will meet four poets from Switzerland and six from Germany. They will provide insights into their poetic and political imagery and present the latest from their work. A large portion of Ukrainian poems will be translated into German, especially for ZEBRA, by Irina Bondas, Claudia Dathe, Beatrix Kersten und Chrystyna Nazarkewytsch.

The moderators Irina Bondas, Daniela Seel, Claudia Dathe, and Karolina Golimowska will ask the readers about their current writing in times of crisis, about what poetry films do with poems, and how they might imagine cinematic versions of their works.

Five ZEBRA readings with lots of poetry, spoken word, performance, and conversation.

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Haus für Poesie

Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin

Entrance fee:
6/4 €

Tickets online