Event: November 2023

07:30 PM

Event-Picture:  (c) Andrea Vollmer
(c) Andrea Vollmer

Vocations: Reimagining the Lied

Vocations embraces the long tradition of musical and literary salons and reinvents them. Some of the artists included are Cia Rinne, Catalina Rueda, and Nail Doğan, who have developed new experimental art songs for the Vocations series in a close artistic collaboration between poet and composer. These will then be premiered at the Heimathafen Neukölln at the end of December. That evening, poet Cia Rinne will sing songs she has written while being accompanied by Daniel Roth. Composer Catalina Rueda invites the audience to join a participatory vocal performance. Author Nail Doğan will read from his texts to oud music by Hicham El Madkouri. There will also be pieces from Aribert Reimann’s Eingedunkelt (1992)— which is based on poems by Paul Celan, and will be performed by Ursula Hesse von den Steinen—and songs by the singer-songwriter Susie Asado.

With contributions from: Susie Asado | Nail Doğan & Hicham El Madkouri |Ursula Hesse von den Steinen | Cia Rinne & Daniel Roth | Catalina Rueda & artistic interventions

Moderation: Audrey Naline

Vocations is a cooperation between the Haus für Poesie and the JUNGE AKADEMIE, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf, and Heimathafen Neukölln. It’s supported by funds from the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt des Landes Berlin within the framework of Spartenoffenen Förderung.


Akademie der Künste

Entrance fee:
5/3 €

Tickets online