Event: December 2019

Fri 6/12/19
Sat 7/12/19

ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2019


Event-Picture: lyrikklub (c) Mirko Lux
(c) Mirko Lux


During the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, children, young people and adults have the chance to indulge their creativity freely and autonomously with poetic inspiration and many opportunities to talk about poems and films and go artistically crazy with a variety of materials. There will also be a mobile poetry film laboratory by trickmisch. The lyrikklub is offered in German and English.

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Kino in der KulturBrauerei
Foyer 1. OG | upstairs

Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Business hours
FR. 6.12. | 16.00–20.30 + SA. 7.12. | 16.00–19.30