Dream Worlds
Dance of the Electric Moccasins
Mary Russell USA 2005 10:00 min englisch Gedicht: Dance of the Electric Moccasins Gerard Wozek
The edges of a lost prairie blur into vast and untamed landscape where reality is covered up.
Drei Stücke/Three Pieces
Hubert Sielecki Österreich 2006 11:30 min deutsch Gedicht: leitsystem / spur / ein stein rollt Karin Spielhofer
The item, that is set in motion, differs: a sign, a figure, a stone. Yet the way, words and images flow, is the same.
The Garden
David Lale Großbritannien 2005 4:27 min englisch Gedicht: The Garden Andrew Marvell
Come rain or shine, every morning two swimmers leave behind their earthly concerns and abandon themselves to the waves.
Ghost Story
Erica Scourti Großbritannien 2006 3:50 min englisch Gedicht: Ghost Story Erica Scourti
Looking through the prism of memory the own experiences are lost in the borderland of truth and fiction.
La Carte Postale/The Postcard
Pierre Villemin, Jean Villemin Frankreich 2005 10:00 min frzOmdtU Gedicht: Un jour tu as recu une carte postale Jean Villemin
On the paths of destiny symmetric geography is absolutely useless.
Mainos asuntolainasta/Advertisement for a Property Credit
Akseli Tuomivaara Finnland 2005 3:27 min finnisch Gedicht: Mainos asuntolainasta Eino Santanen
It is already approaching eight in the evening but there is still some love left.
LE POEME DE LA MER/The Poem of the Sea
Erwan Le Gal Frankreich 2004 16:00 min frzOmeU Gedicht: Le bateau Ivre Arthur Rimbaud
Inspired by Arthur Rimbauds poem „Le Bateau Ivre“ this animation carries off to the surreal underwater worlds of Captain Nemo.
Poetic Motion
Andrew Gribble USA 2006 3:07 min englisch Gedicht: Is this / Untitled / Great Nations of Europe Andrew M. Gribble
An immersion into a world that is at once familiar and strange, real and unreal.
László Hegedüs 2 Ungarn 2004 4:30 min ungOmeU Gedicht: Morning Intoxication Dezsö Kosztolányi
Through the change into dark seasons long forgotten childhood breaks into melancholy.
Anja Hiddinga, Leendert Pot Niederlande 2005 4:00 min englisch Gedicht: Polder Wim Emmerek
A declaration of love to the expanse of the Dutch polder landscape.
Suami o essumuatone maa ja saa asut toise helma reunas/Shape of Finland resembles a pinny and you live on the other side of a hem
Marko Kivioja Finnland 2006 2:30 min finnisch Gedicht: suami o essumuatone maa ja saa asut toise helma Heli Laaksonen
The feeling of loneliness is the ticket for a journey, where first of all, everybody is alone with his longing for something else.
Welcome, Fear
Anna Sang Park USA 2006 2:53 min englisch Gedicht: Welcome Fear David Rivard
In attempt to capture the fleeting moments of happiness and disappointments of life, the film frames the mindset of a longing urbanite.
What is given
Al Clark Großbritannien 2005 5:00 min englisch Gedicht: What is given Andrew Motion
What is given can be taken away in an instant.
Zie je ik hou van je/See, I love you
Patrick Raats Niederlande 2005 2:30 min niederl. Gedicht: Zie je, ik hou van je Herman Gorter
What seems strange, is common to a man writing a poem to his great love.