20th anniversary of ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival: country focus Ukraine and comprehensive supporting program with readings


ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival was founded 20 years ago. As the world’s oldest and most established international poetry film festival, ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2022 presents both poetry and poetry films from November 3 to 6 in transdisciplinary formats at Haus für Poesie Berlin and Kino in der Kulturbrauerei. In addition to the International Competition for the best poetry films, a comprehensive film and poetry program with a country focus on Ukraine will be presented.


Around 1200 films have been submitted this year from more than 95 countries. From these, the Program Committee, whose members are Özlem Özgül Dündar (poet), Maren Hobein (Goethe-Institut London, section film), Heinz Hermanns (interfilm Berlin), Heiko Strunk (lyrikline.org) and Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel (ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival), has nominated 25 films for the Competition. A jury of experts in the fields of film, poetry and media will choose and then announce the winning films at an awards ceremony on 6 November. The Best Poetry Film for Children will be awarded the ZEBRINO Audience Prize. The ZEBRINO Poetry Film Festival for children, youth and young adults will take place from October 17 to 23.


PRISM are eight accompanying programs featuring around 100 films and providing an insight into the diversity of the poetry film scene with subjects as eco poetry or feminism.


The program focus will provide a comprehensive, dedicated look at Ukrainian poetry films in cooperation with the Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin. Ukrainian, German, and multilingual poets, translators, film authors, and artists are invited, among them  Kateryna Babkina, Oleksandr Irvanets, Oleh Kotsarev, Andriy Lyubka, Ostap Slyvynsky and Iryna Tsilyk. Two film programs and five readings are planned. Also part of the program: a retrospective on Maya Deren, the poetry film pioneer born in Kyiv in 1917, and a masterclass by Ukrainian composer for film music Maryana Klochko.

Extending beyond this national focus, the festival will also feature poems and poetry films on 2022’s overall theme: how do poetry and poetry films discuss experiences of war and violence, forced migration and transgenerational trauma? A panel discussion addresses poetry and poetry film as coping strategies.


Every ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has a festival poem, this year the poem Anderkatt by Georg Leß was to be turned into a film. The best film adaptations will be screened.

Program and tickets from mid-October online at haus-fuer-poesie.org   

The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has been running since 2002. At the time of its inception it was the first international platform for short films based on poems – poetry films – and is still the biggest of its kind. It offers poets, film makers and festival organisers from all over the world a platform for creative exchange, and the attention of a wide audience. To this end, the festival includes readings, colloquia, and screenings moderated or joined by conversations. In addition, the festival offers participatory formats, such as master classes and workshops, in which participants will be able to learn more about scenes of poetry/film, their actors and aesthetics, networks and production conditions, and how one might initiate concrete collaborations in this field.


MON 10/17 – SUN 10/23/2022

ZEBRINO – Poetry Film Festival for children, youth and young adults

Haus für Poesie & Kino in der KulturBrauerei Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin

THU 11/3 – SUN 11/6/2022

ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival

Haus für Poesie & Kino in der KulturBrauerei Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin

The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is organized by the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with the Kino in der Kulturbrauerei. Supported by NEUSTART KULTUR of the Federal Government’s Commissioner for Culture and the Media, by the German Literature Fund e.V., and by funds of the State of Berlin / Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the kind support of the Goethe Institut, Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG, the Berlin University of the Arts, the University of Hildesheim, the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, the Verein für Literaturvermittlung Leipzig at Deutsches Literaturinstitut, the Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin and Echoo Konferenzdolmetschen. Presented by taz, tip Berlin, EXBERLINER and Yorck Kinogruppe.