
Investing in Poetry: poesiefestival berlin 2015

The 16th poesiefestival berlin is dedicated to the capital of poetry, the resources poetry exploits, the traditions it draws on and the future it invests in.
The festival, put on in the Academy of Arts in Berlin’s Hanseatenweg from 19 to 27 June 2015 by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in co-operation with the Academy of Arts, will, among other things, be dealing with Martin Luther’s linguistic legacy, presenting Chinese poetry with its tension between tradition and modernity, and discussing the future of poetry in a colloquium. The poetic structures and common features of the Bible, the Koran and the Torah will be explored in a staged production involving representatives of the three great world religions.
Once again, the poesiefestival berlin will open with Weltklang, the evening of poetry from around the world, and round off with the poetry market. This year’s vice versa translation workshop VERSschmuggel/reVERSible will feature poets from the Netherlands.

Investing in Poetry: poesiefestival berlin 2015