Forum: Hate, Fake, Rage. On loss of trust, toxification of discourse and poetic resistance

Prof. Giorgio Agamben

Prof. Giorgio Agamben © privat

Giorgio Agamben (b. 1942 in Rome) studied Literature and Philosophy on the side while studying Law in Rome. What actually made him decide in favour of Philosophy were two seminars with Martin Heidegger in the summers of 1966 and 1968 after he graduated in Law. As well as Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin were important points of reference in Agamben’s thinking. As editor of the Italian edition of Walter Benjamin’s writings he found a series of his manuscripts that were believed lost.

Since the late Eighties Agamben has mainly been involved with political philosophy. He has been a guest professor in universities in Paris, Berkeley, Los Angeles and Irvine, among others, and is now Professor of Aesthetics at the Facolta di Design e Arti of the Iuav University in Venice.

Publications (selection):

Stanzen. Das Wort und das Phantasma in der abendländischen Kultur, Suhrkamp 2005

Die Sprache und der Tod. Ein Seminar über den Ort der Negativität, Suhrkamp 2007

Signatura rerum. Zur Methode, Suhrkamp 2009

Die Macht des Denkens, S. Fischer 2013

Patrick Gensing

Patrick Gensing © Wulf Rohwedder

Patrick Gensing (b. 1974) is a journalist and lives in Hamburg. Since 2017 he has headed the ARD-faktenfinder project and was previously Managing Editor at and News Editor for the Tagesschau news programme. Gensing writes for various newspapers and magazines, founded the blog and has received such prizes as the Alternative Media Prize, the Axel Springer Prize for Young Journalists and the Corrective Fact Check Prize for his work. Gensing has reported for several years on political fanaticism, authoritarian movements and hate on the Internet.

Publications (selection):

Angriff von rechts. Die Strategien der Neonazis – und was man dagegen tun kann, dtv 2009

Terror von rechts. Die Nazi-Morde und das Versagen der Politik, Rotbuch Verlag 2012

Der Präventivstaat. Warum Gesundheits-, Kontroll- und Verbotswahn Freiheit und Demokratie gefährden, with Andrej Reisin, Lingen Verlag 2013

Rechte Hetze im Netz – eine unterschätzte Gefahr, Rowohlt Verlag 2016

Johannes Hillje

Johannes Hillje © Erik Marquardt

Johannes Hillje studied Political Science and Journalism at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz and at the London School of Economics. He works as a political advisor in Berlin and Brussels and deals critically with digital propaganda. He advises politicians, parties, institutions, associations and companies and in 2014 headed the European Green Party’s European Parliament election campaign. Before that he worked for the UN in New York and for the ZDF television network in Mainz. He blogs as and tweets at

Publications (selection):

Propaganda 4.0 – Wie rechte Populisten Politik machen, Dietz-Verlag 2017

Rückkehr zu den politisch Verlassenen, Das Progressive Zentrum 2018

Plattform Europa – Warum wir schlecht über die EU reden und wie wir den Nationalismus mit einem neuen digitalen Netzwerk überwinden können, Dietz-Verlag 2019

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hübl

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hübl © Juliane Marie

Philipp Hübl (b. 1975 in Hanover) studied Philosophy and Linguistics in Berlin, Berkeley, New York and Oxford and was a Fulbright Scholar and Fellow of the Study Foundation of the German People. He taught at the RWTH Aachen and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and from 2012 to 2018 was Junior Professor for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart. He lives in Berlin.

Philipp Hübl’s areas of research are philosophy of mind, Action Theory, philosophy of language, metaphysics and philosophy of science, and he publishes in such newspapers and journals as FAZ, taz, NZZ and Philosophie Magazin. He has written the “Hübls Aufklärung” (Hübl’s Enlightenment) column in Philosophie Magazin since 2017.

Publications (selection):

Folge dem weißen Kaninchen ... in die Welt der Philosophie, Rowohlt 2012

Der Untergrund des Denkens. Eine Philosophie des Unbewussten, Rowohlt 2015

Bullshit-Resistenz. Tugenden für das 21. Jahrhundert, Nicolai Publishing & Intelligence GmbH 2018

Asmus Trautsch

Asmus Trautsch © gezett

Asmus Trautsch (b. in Kiel) is a philosopher and poet and lives in Berlin. He studied Philosophy, German Literature and Composition and Music Theory in Berlin and London. He gained his doctorate from the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2015 with a thesis on the Theory of Tragic Experience. He co-ran the publisher of contemporary literature LUNARDI Verlag für zeitgenössische Literatur and has been chairman of Klangnetz e.V., the non-profit Berlin network for New Music and applied arts. Asmus Trautsch teaches at various universities, organises symposia, readings and inter-media cultural projects and is a composer and conductor. He is the editor of the Edition Poeticon series for Berliner Verlagshaus. 

Publications (selection):

Ovid: Liebeskunst. Reich kommentiert von Tobias Roth, Asmus Trautsch, Melanie Möller, Berlin 2017

Der Umschlag von allem in nichts. Theorie tragischer Erfahrung, Berlin/Boston 2019

Treibbojen. Gedichte, Berlin 2019

Tanja Dückers

Tanja Dückers © Anton Landgraf

Tanja Dückers (B. 1968 in Berlin) is a poet, writer and journalist who lives with her family in Berlin. She studied German, Dutch, North American Studies and Art History at the Freie Universät Berlin and the Universiteit van Amsterdam. As a student she worked for Deutsche Welle TV in Berlin as a news and weather report writer and as an assistant reader for various publishers.

Since graduating, Tanja Dückers has lived as a freelance writer, literature scholar and journalist. Teaching appointments and fellowships have taken her to such places as Los Angeles, Meadville (Pennsylvania), Hanover (New Hampshire), Oxford (Ohio), Oberlin (Ohio), Bristol (UK), Barcelona, Paris, Prague, Brno, Krakow, Bucharest, Sibiu and Cata (Transylvania), Gotland (Sweden), Amsterdam, Vollezele (Flanders), Salzburg and Cyprus.

Publications (selection):

Der längste Tag des Jahres. Roman, Aufbau 2006

Morgen nach Utopia. Essays und Reportagen, Aufbau 2007

Hausers Zimmer. Roman, Schöffling & Co 2010

Mein altes West-Berlin, be.bra verlag 2016

Dagmara Kraus

Dagmara Kraus © Marcin Wezowski

In her poems, Dagmara Kraus (b. 1981 in Wrocław, Poland) creates linguistic universes which in their multi-lingualism resist direct understanding. In strict metre she feels for a way to narrate without staying too long in any one language, since after all people, like poems, communicate in many languages.

Since studying Comparative Literature, Art History and Literary Writing in Leipzig, Berlin and Paris, she has lived as a poet and a translator from Polish in Strasbourg and Berlin. She has received various awards for her poetry, including the Erlangen Literature Prize for Poetry as Translation in 2017, the 2018 Kassel Promotion Prize for Comic Literature and the 2018 Basel Poetry Prize.



kummerang, kookbooks 2012

kleine grammaturgie, roughbooks 2013

revolvers für flubis, SuKuLTuR 2013

das vogelmot schlich mit geknickter schnute, kookbooks 2015

wehbuch (undichte prosage), roughbooks 2016

alle nase diederdase, kookbooks 2017

Appropriation Aby Ohrkranf's HUNCH POEM, roughbooks 2018


Prosanova Audience Award 2008

Förderpreis für Literatur of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Westfälischen Kulturarbeit (GWK) 2010

Förderpreis of the Heimrad-Bäcker-Preis 2016

Erlanger Literaturpreis für Poesie als Übersetzung 2017

Förderpreis Komische Literatur of the Kasseler Literaturpreis für grotesken Humor 2018

Basler Lyrikpreis 2018

Márió Z. Nemes

Mario Nemes (c) Gabi Csutak

Márió Z. Nemes (b. 1982 in Ajka, Hungary) is a poet, writer and critic who is seen as one of the major figures in the younger generation of poets in Hungary.

He published his first work around the turn of the millennium, and since then Nemes has published his texts and criticism in all leading Hungarian literary magazines and journals. He is a member of the Attila József Young Writers’ Union and of the Hungarian PEN Centre.

In 2005 together with ten other young poets Nemes founded and looked after the web blog Telep [Settlements], which quickly became the go-to place for the flourishing contemporary poetry movement in Hungary. This online activity ended in 2009 on the publication of a joint anthology in book form. Nemes is currently present online as editor of the cultural theory fanzine Technology and the Uncanny.

In early 2009 Nemes was awarded the Móricz Zsigmond Literature Fellowship for Poetry. In 2013 he gained his doctorate from the Philosophy Faculty at Eötvös Loránd University. Márió Z. Nemes lives in Budapest. In 2014 he was a fellow of the Akademie Schloss Solitude.

Publications (selection):

Alkalmi magyarázatok a húsról, József Attila Kör-L'Harmattan 2006

Bauxit, Prae 2010

A hercegprímás elsírja magát, Libri 2014

Puschkins Brüste, Edition Solitude 2016

Nilay Özer

Nilay Özer © privat

Nilay Özer (b. in Istanbul) studied Biology and trained as a teacher at the Marmara University. After two years as a primary school teacher she took her master’s degree at the Faculty for Turkish Literature at Bilkent University with a thesis on the contradictions between form and content in Turgut Uyar’s work Divan. She gained her doctorate in the same faculty in 2012 with a thesis entitled Human Landscapes From My Country: Society, History and Cinema.

She currently teaches Turkish, Creative Writing and Modern Turkish Literature at major universities and since 2008 has been working in literary workshops and conferences in various NGOs and institutions.

Publications (selection):

Erscheint in der Anthologie: Die Signatur Deiner Augen. Junge Lyrik aus Deutschland und der Türkei, Luxbooks 2015

Üc Ejder Masali, Yapi Kredi Yayinlari 2016

Unutkanlik Borulari Dalginlik Kanallari, Yapi Kredi Yayinlari 2018