Víctor Rodríguez Núñez (born in Havana in 1955) is a poet, journalist, critic and translator. He has published thirteen collections of poetry, many of which have been awarded prizes in Cuba, Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain, most recently the Alfons el Magnànim Poetry Prize and the Premio Internacional de Poesía Fundación Loewe. His poems have been published in seven Spanish-speaking countries and translated into English, French, Italian, Macedonian, Serbian and Swedish.
In the 1980s, Víctor Rodríguez Núñez was editor of the committed Cuban cultural magazine El Caimán Barbudo. He has edited several anthologies of Latin-American writers. Together with Katherine M. Hedeen he has translated works by Mark Strand and John Kinsella from English into Spanish and works of Juan Gelman and Ida Vitale from Spanish into English. He lives in Havana and Gambier, Ohio (USA), where he is Professor of Hispanic Studies at Kenyon College.
Publications (selection):
desde un granero rojo: poesía reciente. El Ángel Editor, Quito 2014
deshielos. Valparaíso Ediciones, Granada 2014
Cuarto de desahogo: Antología personal, 1975–2010. Letras Cubanas, Havana 2013
desde un granero rojo. Hiperión, Madrid 2013
thaw/deshielos (translated by Katherine M. Hedeen). Arc Publications, Todmorden 2013
reversos. Visor, Madrid 2011
tareas. Renacimiento, Sevilla 2011
Todo buen corazón es un prismático: Antología poética, 1975–2005. Intro.Juan Gelman. La Cabra Ediciones-UANL, Mexico 2010
Intervenciones: Antología poética. Ed. and Intro. Juan Carlos Abril. La Mirada Creadora, Santander 2010