Event: June 2015

07:00 PM

16. poesiefestival berlin

Focus on China: 3,000 years of modernity – Chinese poetry between east and west

Event-Picture: Focus on China: 3,000 years of modernity – Chinese poetry between east and west Yang Lian (c) privat
Yang Lian (c) privat

Lection & Talk

Schwerpunkt China

With Zang Di (writer, China), Yang Lian (writer, China, Germany  &  Great Britain), Ming Di (writer, China &  USA), Wang Pu (writer, China  &  USA)
Moderation: Daniel Bayerstorfer (translator, Munich)

The 3,000 year-old history of Chinese poetry meets the radical upheavals of European modernity: Yang Lian, Zang Di, Ming Di and Wang Pu show what potential there is in this confrontation. Their poems shake out conventional images, themes and metaphors for contemporary relevance, enliven the rhythms of the language of Ancient Chinese poetry in new ways or pick up on the groundbreaking work of the early Chinese Modernists. This makes a polyvocal and unique literary tradition audible which is still largely unknown in Germany.

The texts being read are available in German translation.

Project leader: Lea Schneider

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Academy of Arts
Kleines Parkett

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
6/4 EUR

Tickets online

Vorverkauf in der Akademie der Künste: 
Tel 030. 200 57-1000/-2000

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Täglich 10:00–19:00