Sun. 3 June 5 pm
Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Clubraum, Admission € 5 / 3
Event suitable for English speakers
With Hartmut Fähndrich Arabic scholar, Berne Hendrik Jackson writer, Berlin Dörte Schmidt musicologist, Berlin Moderated by Ilma Rakusa writer and translator, Zurich
Translation is everywhere as exchange and appropriation. But how do poets, translators and musicians approach a foreign text? What do they make out of it? Do they try to stay faithful to it? Do they transform it? Do they express their admiration, or do they rather criticise, even ridicule?
Poet Hendrik Jackson will be speaking from his experience of various kinds of free translation, from the 'version' or 'adaptation' to inspired rewriting to imitative pastiche.
Hartmut Fähndrich, Arabic scholar, will be taking a long view over thirteen centuries of fruitful exchange between the Arabic and European worlds, focussing on the translations from Greek into Arabic in Baghdad in the Eighth to Tenth Centuries, the translation schools in Toledo and their translations from Arabic into Latin in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, the French translation of the Thousand and One Nights in the Eighteenth Century and finally the cultural and scientific exchanges of the past two hundred years.
Musicologist Dörte Schmidt deals with cover versions and draws connections between them and the translation of "sacred texts": can it be that this is exactly what covering a cult Bob Dylan song is for many performers?
Hartmut Fähndrich (born 1944) knows, teaches and translates modern Arabic literature, travels in Arab countries and incorporates the fruits of these travels into his work as an editor, etc.
Hendrik Jackson (born 1971) has translated Marina Tsvetayeva and Alexei Parshtshikov, and there as in his own texts he uses the means of poetry to explore the translateability of what is symbolic and (apparently) non-verbal, beyond language.
Dörte Schmidt (born 1964) teaches at the University of the Arts, where she does research into musical theatre, new music and the culture of musical writing, and is interested in translation within and between the arts.
With the kind support of: Pro Helvetia – Swiss Cultural Foundation, Prussian Maritime Trade Foundation, Weltlesebühne e. V.
Project leader: Gabriele Leupold