Gülten Akin (born 1933, Turkey) is a pioneering poet in contemporary Turkish poetry. She studied law, and worked for many years as a lawyer and teacher as well as a literary critic and essayist. She is the founder and leader of a human rights organization. Writing poetry is synonymous for her with assuming social responsibility.
In the course of the last 50 years Gülten Akin has presented a traditional, patriarchal society’s key themes from a female perspective. Her poetry deals with questions of equal rights, with justice and with love, and addresses the underprivileged members of society. She writes about people who have been unable to find their place in that society and are excluded from social, political and economic opportunities. Akin refers to tough social and economic conditions, but places her trust in the struggle of human beings against oppression, poverty and exploitation.
Publications (selection): Collected Poems (2004), Sessiz Arka Bahceler (1998), Sonra Iste Yaslandim (1995), Sevda Kalicidir (1991), Ilahiler (1983)
Awards (selection): Antalya Golden
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