Sergej Moreino

Sergej Moreino

Sergej Moreino (born 1964 Moscow, Russia) moved to Latvia in 1987 and has been working as an independent author and translator since 1988.

Moreinos’ personal connection to the First World War is via his grandfather Samuil Moreino, born in Jewish-Catholic Druya in Poland, who during the war fought in the files of the Belgian militia in Liège, and vanished without a trace in the confusion of the war. Sergej Moreinos’ poems deal with these experiences. He is concerned with drawing a line under this conflict that happened now a hundred years ago in order to “remove a drop of romanticism from this monstruous, but, thank God, long gone conflict. For otherwise, the rose of new wars might bloom from this dung-heap” (Moreino).

Moreino is the editor of the literary magazines “Vārds” (Latvia) and “Балтика” (Kaliningrad, Russia) as well as editor of the series “География перевода” (Geography of Translation) by the publishers “Русский Гулливер” (Russki Gulliver, Moscow).


Publications (selection)

Там где, 2005
*См., 2008
Hanzas aukstā liesma / Холодное пламя Ганзы, 2010