Johann Reißer

Johann Reißer

Johann Reißer (1979 Regensburg) is an author and theatre-maker. His prose and poetry latches onto avant-garde tendencies and uses numerous techniques of sampling. Topics include the phenomenological, financial and structural upheavals in cities and in the country. He is currently working on the novel “Landmaschinemusik” (Farm Machine Music), which deals with people and machines in an idyllic country scene, between an eerie past and science fiction.

Reißer has been directing the theatre group “PlastikWorks” since 2009 and produces his own pieces with them, on topics of economic liberalism, colonialism and city and media development. They have been performed in various theatres and at festivals throughout the German-speaking world.

In May 2014 his doctoral dissertation, on the realignment of poetry under the figures of archeology and sampling since 1960, was published by Kulturverlag Kadmos. In 2010 Reißer received the Jury Prize at the 100Grad-Theaterfestival Berlin, in 2013 he was a City Writer in Regensburg, and in 2014 he received the Alfred Döblin Scholarship of the Academy of Arts. He lives in Berlin and Bavaria.


Publications (selected)

ReGame it. ReFrame it. Auf dem Retroweg nach NeuBerlin (Play), 2012
Archäologie und Sampling - Die Neuordnung der Lyrik, Kadmos 2014