
Scottish-German VERSschmuggel

Geography and aesthetics are central to Scottish poetry, which is both a cultural import and export. The topics and issues it addresses range between internationality and authenticity, between provincialism and the avantgarde, and between modernism and traditionalism. For VERSschmuggel the poesiefestival berlin brings together some of Scotland’s most prominent poets representing various positions in Scottish poetry. The participating poets are Anna Crowe, Ryan van Winkle, Peter MacKay, J.O. Morgan, Don Paterson and Robin Robertson from Scotland together with Michael Donhauser, Ulrike Draesner, Odile Kennel, Dagmara Kraus, Björn Kuhligk and Katharina Schultens from Germany.

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The programme of the 15th poesiefestival berlin >>

Scottish-German VERSschmuggel