21st poesiefestival berlin is taking place online
Due to the worldwide Covid-19 crisis, the Haus für Poesie is holding the poesiefestival berlin online. We are going to make a virtual offering of all programme items available from 5 to 11 June in a form modified and redesigned for digital formats. Live streams, panels and an extensive media library will take the festival into the virtual world, accessible at home for everyone anywhere on the planet.
The Haus für Poesie and the festival team are convinced that cultural and social life should not come to a standstill even in a state of emergency. The ability of poetry to grasp reality with language means that it can speak directly to people and, as an adaptable genre, can react creatively to this crisis.
The poesiefestival berlin offers, under the headline Planet P, an international programme with authors from four continents. This year’s country focus is directed at Canada.