Event: June 2022

02:00 PM

lyrix national competition for young poets – SO A CLICK-CLACK HURRIES AHEAD OF EVERY STEP

Event-Picture: lyrix national competition for young poets – SO A CLICK-CLACK HURRIES AHEAD OF EVERY STEP


9th-12th grade & all interested | Moderation: lyrix

lyrix celebrates! The poetry competition for writers between the ages of 10 and 20 will award this year’s prizewinners in the 15-20 age group. More information at bundeswettbewerb-lyrix.de

The event is part of the poesiefestival berlin: poesiefestival.org

The poesiefestival berlin is a project of the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, with support from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

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Akademie der Künste

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

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