Event: Mai 2018

02:30 PM

19. poesiefestival berlin

Ververbüntede. Concert for voice and dictation machine with Michael Barthel


Ververbüntede is a smorgasbord of poems and sound poetry pieces interrogating the functionality of alliances, here primarily in extreme situations. What desires and perspectives for the future are formed around the alliance and from the circumstances of an alliance? Is the way the title is written confusion or corréspondance? What does the beggar’s “Have a nice day, now” really mean?

The theme of the work of Michael Barthel is localisation  - protection, flight, homeland and the possibilities that want to be ascribed to these terms. In the concerts, the voice circumscribes these possibilities, touches and hesitates, seeks cover and is left to its own devices. A choir in itself.

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Akademie der Künste

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin